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The Starter Guide to AR Verbs in Spanish

Ever wondered about the common verbs that end in -AR in Spanish, famously known as AR verbs in Spanish? Well, as you embark on your journey of learning Spanish 202 as a second language, understanding these verbs becomes vital.

Interestingly, the majority of regular verbs in Spanish fall into the -AR category. These AR verbs are pretty straightforward to conjugate, and because they are so prevalent, they are also the simplest to commit to memory. Today, we’ll delve exclusively into regular AR verbs, sharpening your Spanish grammar skills.

A crucial concept in Spanish verb conjugation is the “subject pronoun verb” structure, which comes into play when dealing with these regular verbs. Regular verbs are set apart from irregular ones because they maintain their root — the base part of a verb when you strip away the -AR, -ER, or -IR endings. When you encounter irregular verbs, you’ll notice how this base stem morphs, necessitating additional memorization.

However, with regular AR verbs, you can breathe easily! There’s no need to memorize any stem transformations; all you have to grasp is the change in verb endings. You’ll learn to conjugate the verb depending on the subject pronoun, whether it’s first-person singular, third-person plural, and so forth.

An important aspect of Spanish is the usage of accent marks, which can often affect the meaning of a word. This becomes particularly important during verb conjugation, where accent marks in Spanish can help distinguish between different tenses.


Notice that “él”, “ella” and “usted” share the same verb form in the singular, and “ellos”, “ellas” and “ustedes” share the same verb form in the plural.

AR Spanish Verbs Conjugation In The Present Tense

To conjugate regular -ar verbs in the present tense in Spanish, just delete the -ar and add the following endings to the stem: -o, -as, -a, -amos, -áis, -an. 

Spanish Personal Pronouns Conjugation Present Tense
Yo (singular) -o
Tú / vos (singular) -as
Él / Ella, Usted (singular) -a
Nosotros (plural) -amos
Vosotros (plural – Spain) -áis
Ellos / Ellas, Ustedes (plural) -an

Here are some examples with present simple verbs ending in AR, and then you will have some example sentences to learn how to use them better.

Spanish Infinitive verb Yo Tu Él/Ella/Usted Nosotros Vosotros Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes
Lavar (to wash) Lavo Lavas Lava Lavamos Laváis Lavan
Cepillar (to brush) Cepillo Cepillas Cepilla Cepillamos Cepilláis Cepillan
Hablar (to talk) Hablo Hablas Habla Hablamos Habláis Hablan
Limpiar (to clean) Limpio Limpias Limpia Limpiamos Limpiáis Limpian
Llamar (to call) Llamo Llamas Llama Llamamos Llamáis Llaman
Pescar (fishing) Pesco Pescas Pesca Pescamos Pescáis Pescan

Here are some example sentences of verbs ending in AR conjugated to the present tense in Spanish:

Yo lavo los platos

I wash the dishes

Juan limpia la cocina

Juan cleans the kitchen

María habla con José

María talks to José

AR Spanish Verbs Conjugation In The Past Simple Tense

To conjugate -ar verbs in the past tense in Spanish, just delete the -ar and add the following endings to the stem: -é, -aste, -ó, -amos, -ásteis, -aron. 

Spanish Personal Pronouns Conjugation Past Simple Tense
Yo (singular)
Tú / vos (singular) -aste
Él / Ella, Usted (singular)
Nosotros (plural) -amos
Vosotros (plural – Spain) -asteis
Ellos / Ellas, Ustedes (plural) -aron

Let’s explore some verb conjugations ending in AR, in the past simple tense:

Spanish Infinitive verb Yo Tu Él/Ella/Usted Nosotros Vosotros Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes
Lavar (to wash) Lavé Lavaste Lavó Lavamos Lavasteis Lavaron
Cepillar (to brush) Cepillé Cepillaste Cepilló Cepillamos Cepillasteis Cepillaron
Hablar (to talk) Hablé Hablaste Habló Hablamos Hablasteis Hablaron
Limpiar (to clean) Limpié Limpiaste Limpió Limpiamos Limpiasteis Limpiaron
Llamar (to call) Llamé Llamaste Llamó Llamamos Llamasteis Llamaron
Pescar (fishing) Pesqué Pescaste Pescó Pescamos Pensasteis Pescaron

Here are some example sentences of verbs ending in AR conjugated to the past simple in Spanish:

Yo lavé los platos

I washed the dishes

Juan limpió la cocina

Juan cleaned the kitchen

María habló con José

María talked to José

Image by vetlanasokolova via Freepik

AR Spanish Verbs Conjugation In The Future Simple Tense

To conjugate -ar verbs in the future tense in Spanish, just delete the -ar and add the following endings to the stem: -é -as, -á, -emos, -éis, -án. 

Spanish Personal Pronouns Conjugation Future Simple Tense
Yo (singular)
Tú / vos (singular) -as
Él / Ella, Usted (singular)
Nosotros (plural) -emos
Vosotros (plural – Spain) -éis
Ellos / Ellas, Ustedes (plural) -án


Spanish Infinitive verb Yo Tu Él/Ella/Usted Nosotros Vosotros Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes
Lavar (to wash) Lavaré Lavarás Lavará Lavaremos Lavaréis Lavarán
Cepillar (to brush) Cepillaré Cepillarás Cepillará Cepillaremos Cepillaréis Cepillarán
Hablar (to talk) Hablaré Hablarás Hablará Hablaremos Hablaréis Hablarán
Limpiar (to clean) Limpiaré Limpiarás Limpiará Limpiaremos Limpiaréis Limpiarán
Llamar (to call) Llamaré Llamarás Llamará Llamaremos Llamaréis Llamarán
Pescar (fishing) Pescaré Pescarás Pescará Pescaremos Pescaréis Pescarán

Here are some example sentences of verbs ending in AR conjugated to the future simple in Spanish:

Yo lavaré los platos

I will wash the dishes

Juan limpiará la cocina

Juan will clean the kitchen

María hablará con José

María will talk to José

List Of +200 Spanish Verbs Ending In -AR

Here we present an extensive list of over 200 Spanish verbs that end in -AR. By practicing and conjugating these new verbs, you can expand your vocabulary, learn new words, and begin to speak with increased fluency!

Don’t just memorize; become a forger of sentences by understanding the conjugated forms. Remember, the more you use these verbs, the more they will become part of your active vocabulary. Your journey to mastering new words and building a robust vocabulary begins here!

Spanish  English
Acertar Get It Right
Acomodar Accommodate
Actuar Act
Adiestrar Train
Aleccionar Teach
Amamantar Nurture
Amar Loving
Arrancar Tear Off
Arrastrar Drag
Asar Roast
Asfixiar Asphyxiate
Asustar Scare
Averiguar Find Out
Babear Drool
Bailar Dance
Bajar Download
Brincar Jump
Bucear Dive
Buscar Search
Calcinar Calcine
Cambiar Change
Cantar Sing
Causar Cause
Chocar Crash
Cifrar Cipher
Cobrar Charge
Colar Strain
Coleccionar Collect
Complicar Complicate
Contar Counting
Contemplar Contemplate
Copiar Copy
Corear Chore
Cortar Cut
Crear Create
Cruzar Cross
Cualificar Qualify
Dañar Damage
Depilar Depilate
Diversificar Diversify
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Spanish  English
Divisar Divisar
Domesticar Tame
Donar Donate
Ejecutar Execute
Elaborar Elaborate
Emigrar Emigrate
Empacar Pack
Emplear Use
Empujar Push
Ensuciar Soil
Entablar Engage
Errar Err
Eructar Burp
Estudiar Study
Exfoliar Exfoliate
Fabricar Manufacture
Facilitar Facilitate
Fallar Fail
Festejar Feast
Figurar Figure
Filmar Film
Financiar Finance
Firmar Sign
Flexionar Flex
Flotar Float
Frecuentar Frequent
Fregar Scrub
Frenar Braking
Frotar Scrub
Funcionar Run
Fusionar Melt
Grabar Record
Granizar Slush
Guiar Guiding
Guiñar Guiding
Guisar Stew
Gustar Like
Gustar Taste
Habilitar Enable
Honorificar Honor
Hospitalizar Hospitalize
Humectar Humidify
Humillar Humiliate
Hurtar Steal
Ilustrar Illustrate
Imaginar Imagine
Interaccionar Interact
Intrigar Intrigue
Inundar Flood
Inutilizar Disable
Invitar Invite
Jadear Gasp
Jubilar Jubilee
Jugar Play
Jurar Swear
Justificar Justify
Juzgar Judge
Lamentar Regret
Madurar Mature
Magnetizar Magnetize
Malcriar Spoil
Mapear Map
Marcar Bookmark
Marinar Marinate
Matizar Tinting
Matricular Matriculate
Mezclar Mixing
Molestar Disturb
Multar Fine
Murmurar Murmur
Musitar Mumble
Nadar Swim
Narrar Narrate
Naturalizar Naturalize
Neutralizar Neutralize
Nombrar Nominate
Nominalizar Nominate
Noquear Knock Out
Normativizar Normativize
Image by drobotdean via Freepik
Spanish  English
Notar Notice
Notificar Notify
Obsesionar Obsess
Ocasionar Occasion
Ocultar Hide
Olfatear Sniff
Operar Operate
Orbitar Orbit
Ordenar Order
Pelear Fight
Pellizcar Pinch
Pintar Painting
Pisar Stepping
Plantear Planting
Podar Prune
Preguntar Ask
Prensar Pressing
Preparar Prepare
Probar Test
Procesar Process
Profundizar Deepen
Programar Program
Promocionar Promote
Prosperar Thrive
Provocar Trigger
Publicar Publish
Pulsar Click
Puntar Stitch
Quemar Burn
Quitar Remove
Rascar Scrape
Relajar Relax
Rentar Rent
Reparar Repair
Repasar Review
Reprobar Reprove
Resaltar Highlight
Retar Challenge
Retocar Retouch
Robar Steal
Rodar Roll
Rogar Beg
Roncar Snore
Rostizar Roast
Rotar Rotate
Saborear Taste
Saltar Skip
Saltear Sauté
Saludar Greet
Saturar Saturate
Sobrecalentar Overheat
Sociabilizar Socialize
Sollozar Sob
Soñar Dreaming
Sonrojar Blush
Subtitular Subtitle
Sudar Sweat
Sujetar Hold
Supervisar Supervise
Suspirar Sigh
Susurrar Whisper
Temblar Tremble
Terminar End
Tocar Touch
Tolerar Tolerate
Traficar Trafficking
Trapear Mop
Tratar Treat
Trotar Trot
Turnar Turn
Vaciar Empty
Vacunar Vaccinate
Versar Verse
Volar Blow Up
Voltear Flip
Vomitar Vomit
Votar Votar
Zapatear Stomp

Irregular AR Verbs In Spanish

Moving on to irregular AR verbs in Spanish, it’s crucial to understand that these verbs don’t follow the same conjugation rules as regular AR verbs. The changes in these conjugated verbs often occur in the stem or the following verb endings, making them a bit more complex to learn.

When dealing with irregular verbs, the “infinitive form” (the base form) usually changes when it’s conjugated. This means that not all AR verbs will have the same pattern, particularly in different tenses like the simple past.

So, how can you identify and use these irregular verbs effectively? First, the verb tells a lot about the subject and the action in any sentence. You need to pay careful attention to the person’s singular form, where the changes are most noticeable. The conjugated verb will often have a different stem or an appropriate ending that deviates from the regular patterns.

Next, try to listen actively whenever you hear or read. Make note of phrases that include irregular AR verbs and how they’re used in different contexts. This exposure will not only help you recognize irregular forms but will also give you practical examples to learn from.

Finally, practice makes perfect. The more you use these irregular verbs in sentences, the easier they’ll become to remember. Try to create your examples and phrases to reinforce your learning. And remember, it’s okay to forget sometimes. Review, practice, and repetition will be your best friends on this journey.

Now, let’s take a look at a table that showcases some common irregular AR verbs in Spanish, along with their English translations:

Spanish  English
Almorzar To have lunch
Atravesar To go
Calentar To warm up
Comenzar To start
Confesar To confess
Despertar To wake up
Desplegar To deploy
Gobernar To govern
Sembrar To sow


Each of these verbs has unique conjugated forms that you’ll need to learn. Start by focusing on one verb at a time, and before you know it, you’ll be more comfortable with these irregularities in no time!

Learn Spanish With Native Teachers!

Ready to unravel the intricacies of Spanish, including the conjugation of AR ending verbs like ‘dar’? Begin your journey with a free 1:1 trial class or explore a 7-day group lessons trial here at SpanishVIP. We ensure your quick and effective mastery of the Spanish language, including understanding the history of the Spanish language, as well as regular and irregular AR verbs.

With our native Spanish tutors, challenges like mastering the present tense or grappling with the simple past tense become learning opportunities. Our unique methodology is designed to accelerate your comprehension and use of the Spanish language. Be amazed at how soon regular and irregular verbs, even the tricky ‘dar’ conjugation, will become second nature to you.

Venturing into new languages can be a rewarding endeavor. So, don’t wait, make the most of your free time by diving into Spanish with us. Remember, fluency is just around the corner. Begin your Spanish journey now and open a world of opportunities!

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