SpanishVIP partners get industry-leading payouts. Earn up to 50% recurring commissions on the highest-rated Spanish classes in the world.

Partner with a company you can trust
Earn the highest commissions in language education with our breakthrough, unlimited Spanish classes. We’ll give you the best tools to monetize your audience.
- Offer a 5-star product your audience will love
- Earn up to 50% recurring commissions
- Easily copy our swipe file of ads, emails, etc.

Why partner with SpanishVIP?
The biggest influencers in the world trust we’ll deliver a world-class experience. Our students see insane, fast results. Our model of unlimited classes with licensed teachers is affordable and immersive. Not only is our program the best for affiliate commissions. You get the confidence that we’ll keep customers happy so the commissions stay rolling.
“The best teachers I have ever met. Thanks to SpanishVIP, I can confidently speak conversational Spanish after just two months of study.”