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Spanish Words That Start With E

Did you know that the letter ‘E’ is a bona fide star in the English alphabet? Seriously, it takes center stage as the most frequently used letter! And guess what? It’s not taking a backseat in Spanish either. When you embark on the journey to educate yourself in the Spanish language, mastering Spanish words that start with the letter ‘E’ is essential. 

This isn’t just about acing an exam or sidestepping an error—it’s far bigger than that. We’re talking about constructing the very structure of your language skills, the skeleton of your conversational prowess. Learning these ‘E’ words is like setting a firm foundation for a house; it’s about etiquette, charm, and a strict adherence to the fundamentals. It’s a critical step whether you’re male, female, or anywhere on the gender spectrum. So, before we publish our thoughts to the world or light this educational fire, let’s roll up our sleeves and dig deep into the enormously fascinating universe of Spanish words that start with ‘E’!

History Of Letter E In Spanish Language 

The Origins

In Latin, the letter ‘E’ originated from the Greek letter ‘Epsilon.’ And just like atoms have different isotopes, this letter has various pronunciations and usages in the Spanish language. From Spain to America, you’ll encounter the influence of ‘E’ in countless words. Isn’t it fascinating how a single letter can weave itself so deeply into the fabric of language?

The Importance

Did you know that many commonly used Spanish words that start with E, like “ella” (she) and “entre” (between), are like the electrons in an atom? They’re fundamental to the structure of sentences and expressions. Dive into the etymology, and you’ll uncover layers of culture, history, and linguistic evolution.

Common Mistakes

Sometimes people mix up the pronunciation or usage of Spanish words that start with E. It’s a common error but easy to correct with some good old-fashioned education from Dedicated Teachers. Words like “edición” (edition) and “edificio” (building) can throw a wrench into the conversation if you’re not careful. But no worries, we’re here to iron out the kinks.

Spanish Nouns Starting With E (Sustantivos)

Nouns, the cornerstone of any language! These are the words we use to name people, places, things, or ideas. Imagine them as the suns around which other words in a sentence orbit. Ready to explore? Let’s delve into a captivating list of Spanish nouns that start with the letter E.

Spanish  English 
Escuela School
Elefante Elephant
Empleado Employee
Espejo Mirror
Estrella Star
Enemigo Enemy
Economía Economy
Elección Election
Equipo Team
Examen Exam
Efecto Effect
Enero January


In the Spanish alphabet, the letter “E” is pronounced “e” (like the ‘e’ in “bed”) and is one of the most frequently used letter in the language. Its prominence mirrors that of the letter “E” in the English alphabet, where it’s also the most commonly used. In both languages, this vowel plays a pivotal role, weaving its way through countless words and expressions!

Spanish  English 
Edificio Building
Ecosistema Ecosystem
Ensalada Salad
Estación Station
Energía Energy
Emoción Emotion
Empresa Company
Escritorio Desk
Estudiante Student


Now, here’s an intriguing tidbit: the word “Estrella” not only means “star” but it also signifies something exceptional or distinguished in a certain context. Think “estrella de cine” (movie star). It’s fascinating nuances like these that make learning Spanish nouns that start with E such a compelling journey. 

Spanish Verbs Starting With E (Verbos)

Ah, verbs! The action heroes of language. These words describe actions, states, or occurrences and serve as the backbone of a sentence. Intrigued? Buckle up, because we’re going to zoom through an electrifying list of Spanish verbs that start with the letter E.

Spanish  English 
Estudiar To study
Escuchar To listen
Escribir To write
Estar To be ( temporary)
Empezar To start
Entender To understand
Exponer To expose
Eliminar To eliminate
Image by stockgiu via Freepik
Spanish  English 
Evitar To avoid
Esquiar To ski
Exigir To demand
Enviar To send
Escalar To climb
Ejercer To exercise
Encender To light
Encontrar To find
Esperar To wait
Elogiar To praise
Errar To make a mistake


Well, there you have it, a list that could practically set the stage for your Spanish conversations! Now, here’s a slice of interesting pie: the verb Estar is one of two verbs that can mean “to be” in Spanish, the other being Ser.” The trick is that “Estar” is used for temporary conditions while “Ser” is for permanent ones. Remember to visit our blog Ser vs. Estar to know more! 

Spanish Adverbs Starting With E (Adverbios)

Adverbs are like the seasoning in a dish. Too little, and it’s bland; too much, and it’s overwhelming. Learning Spanish adverbs that start with E can add that dash of spice to your sentences. Some of these adverbs are universal, like “efectivamente” (effectively), while others like “entre” (between) are more situational. But they all have one thing in common: they can change the meaning of a verb, adjective, or even another adverb.

Spanish  English 
Exactamente Exactly
Específicamente Specifically
Efectivamente Effectively 
Exteriormente Externally
Especialmente Especially
Extrañamente Strangely
Encima Above/on top
Establemente Stably
Equitativamente Equitably
Evidentemente Evidently


Spanish  English 
Estrechamente Closely
Emocionalmente Emotionally
Erróneamente Erroneously 
Espontáneamente Spontaneously
Estéticamente Aesthetically
Excesivamente Excessively
Extensamente Extensively
Enérgicamente Energetically
Excepcionalmente Exceptionally
Eficientemente Efficiently


Well, there you have it—a list full of nuances, like a box of assorted chocolates. Now, let’s delve into some adverbial trivia: “Encima,” which means “above” or “on top,” can also be used colloquially in Spain as “besides” or “moreover,” adding an extra layer to a statement. Just imagine someone saying, “I don’t want to go out. It’s cold and, on top (encima), it’s raining.” It’s these delightful twists that make Spanish adverbs starting with E a trove of exploration.

Spanish Adjectives Starting With E (Adjetivos)

Adjectives—the vibrant colors on the canvas of language. These words are used to describe or modify nouns, giving us the lowdown on qualities, quantities, or states. If you’re ready to jazz up your Spanish vocabulary, let’s leap into a vivid array of Spanish adjectives that start with the letter E.

Spanish  English
Elegante Elegant
Enorme Enormous
Efectivo Effective
Eficiente Efficient
Económico Economic
Eléctrico Electric
Estético Aesthetic
Eterno Eternal
Equitativo Equitable


The word “esperanto,” starting with ‘E,’ is a language created to promote global harmony. It’s derived from the Spanish word “esperanza,” meaning “hope.” How’s that for a hopeful “E” word?

Spanish  English 
Exótico Exotic
Emocional  Emotional
Entusiasta  Enthusiastic
Extraño Strange
Esencial Essential
Exquisito Exquisite
Exacto  Exact
Efímero Ephemeral
Espontáneo Spontaneous


So there’s our star-studded line-up of adjectives that begin with E. Let’s highlight “Efímero,” which means “ephemeral.” The beauty of this word lies in its very meaning—something short-lived or transient. It’s a poetic way to describe things that have a fleeting presence in our lives, adding a dash of romanticism to the way we perceive our world.

Remember, the adjectives we’ve explored are just a snapshot, a quick ‘selfie,’ if you will, of the dazzling world of descriptive Spanish words. To explore every nook and cranny, you’ll have to embark on your linguistic journey. Why not start today?

Image by jannoon028 via Freepik

You Have Learned Spanish Words Starting with E

Remember how we likened learning Spanish words that start with E to understanding atoms in science? By now, we hope you’ve realized the enormous impact of even a single letter in shaping your Spanish language skills. From enhancing your expressions to creating vivid sentences, these words can elevate your command over the language.

Interested in diving deeper? Our Dedicated Teachers and Student Success Advisors are always here to guide you. Start with a free 1:1 class or free 7 days of group classes. Take that “E-fficient” step towards mastering Spanish today!

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