Welcome to SpanishVIP’s exploration into Spanish words commencing with M! Spanish, a vibrant language echoed by millions globally, enriches travel experiences, amplifies work communication, and fosters personal growth.
Crucial to this learning journey is constructing a robust vocabulary, and an effective way to enrich it is by studying words beginning with specific letters.
This exploration focuses on Spanish words that initiate with the letter M. We’ll delve into nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs that all share this common starting point, encapsulating a range of fascinating and practical Spanish words that begin with M.
However, before we submerge into the details, let’s examine the history of the letter M in the Spanish alphabet.
Words from ‘mango’ and ‘materia’ to ‘mentiroso’, meaning ‘liar’, are on our list. Let’s embark on this journey together, diving into Spanish culture and language that span from the lush morning markets of Spain, where you might ‘crush’ on the taste of fresh mango, to the more mature topics, such as poverty, symbolized by the word ‘pobre’.
The author of this day’s post aims to provide an enriching look at the Spanish language’s M-starting words, contributing to your language maturity and understanding.
The History of Letter M in the Spanish Alphabet
The Spanish language and its alphabet have gone through many changes over the years, and the letter M has an interesting history. In fact, the letter M wasn’t always a part of the Spanish alphabet! The ancient Phoenician alphabet, which is the ancestor of the Spanish alphabet, did not include the letter M.
Instead, the sound of M was represented by the letter mem, which looks like the letter V in our modern alphabet. Later on, the Romans added the letter M to their Latin alphabet, which eventually became the basis for the Spanish alphabet.
Now, M is a vital letter in the Spanish language and appears in many important words.
The letter M is the only letter in the Spanish alphabet that is not pronounced differently depending on its position in a word, unlike other letters like C, G, and S.
Spanish Nouns Starting With M
Nouns are words that represent people, places, things, or ideas. In Spanish, nouns have gender, which means they are either masculine or feminine.
Learning nouns is essential for building a strong vocabulary in any language, and it can help you communicate more effectively in a variety of situations.
Here are some of the most common and useful ones:
Spanish Noun | English Translation |
Maíz | Corn |
Mano | Hand |
Mar | Sea |
Mascota | Pet |
Máscara | Mask |
Medida | Measurement |
Medicina | Medicine |
Medio | Middle |
Melón | Melon |
Memoria | Memory |
Mesa | Table |
Metal | Metal |
Metro | Meter |
Miel | Honey |
Milagro | Miracle |
Millón | Million |
Minuto | Minute |
Mirada | Gaze |
Misión | Mission |
Modelo | Model |
Momento | Moment |
Mono | Monkey |
Montaña | Mountain |
Monumento | Monument |
Moño | Bun |
Morado | Purple |
Mosca | Fly (insect) |
Música | Music |
Mujer | Woman |

Spanish Verbs Starting With M
Verbs are words that express an action, occurrence, or state of being. In Spanish, verbs are conjugated to match the subject of the sentence and the tense of the verb.
Knowing verbs is crucial for speaking and writing in Spanish, and it allows you to express yourself in a more nuanced and precise way.
Here are some of the most commonly used ones:
Spanish Verb | English Translation |
Mandar | To Send |
Manejar | To Drive |
Manifestar | To Express |
Manipular | To Manipulate |
Manosear | To Handle |
Marchar | To March |
Marcar | To Mark |
Marear | To Make Dizzy |
Marinar | To Marinate |
Masticar | To Chew |
Matar | To Kill |
Maullar | To Meow |
Medir | To Measure |
Meditar | To Meditate |
Memorizar | To Memorize |
Mencionar | To Mention |
Mendigar | To Beg |
Mentir | To Lie |
Merendar | To Have A Snack |
Meter | To Put In |
Mimar | To Spoil |
Mirar | To Look At |
Modificar | To Modify |
Molestar | To Bother |
Moler | To Grind |
Montar | To Ride |
Mojar | To Wet |
Mover | To Move |
Mudar | To Change |
Multiplicar | To Multiply |
Spanish Adverbs Starting With M
Adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. In Spanish, adverbs often end in -mente and can express things like time, manner, or degree.
Learning adverbs is important for understanding the subtleties of the Spanish language and expressing yourself more clearly.
Here are some of the most common ones:
Spanish Adverb | English Translation |
Mañana | Tomorrow |
Malvadamente | Maliciously |
Manualmente | Manually |
Mas | More |
Mayormente | Mostly |
Mejor | Better |
Melancólicamente | Melancholically |
Menos | Less |
Mentalmente | Mentally |
Miedosamente | Fearfully |
Mejor Dicho | Rather |
Milagrosamente | Miraculously |
Mínimamente | Minimally |
Misteriosamente | Mysteriously |
Modestamente | Modestly |
Mucho | Much |
Murmuradoramente | Murmuringly |
Musicalmente | Musically |
Mutuamente | Mutually |
Muy | Very |
Más Bien | Rather |
Más Aún | Furthermore |
Mal | Badly |
Malamente | Poorly |
Maliciosamente | Maliciously |
Mamá | Mom |
Menos Mal | Luckily |
Menos Aún | Even Less |

Spanish Adjectives Starting With M
Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns. In Spanish, adjectives must agree in gender and number with the noun they are describing. Adjectives can express qualities like size, color, or shape, and they are essential for painting a vivid picture with your words in Spanish.
Here are some of the most common adjectives that start with M in Spanish:
Spanish Adjective | English Translation |
Mágico | Magical |
Magnífico | Magnificent |
Malvado | Evil |
Maduro | Ripe |
Manchado | Stained |
Maniático | Obsessive |
Manso | Gentle |
Maravilloso | Wonderful |
Masculino | Masculine |
Matemático | Mathematical |
Material | Material |
Mayor | Older, Major |
Mecánico | Mechanical |
Medio | Half |
Megalómano | Megalomaniacal |
Melancólico | Melancholic |
Meloso | Sweet |
Memorable | Memorable |
Menor | Younger, Minor |
Meticuloso | Meticulous |
Metálico | Metallic |
Miel | Honey |
Milagroso | Miraculous |
Militar | Military |
Mínimo | Minimal |
Misterioso | Mysterious |
Moderno | Modern |
Modesto | Modest |
Molesto | Annoying |

Ready To Learn More Spanish Words?
Congratulations! You’ve learned about the history of letter M in the Spanish alphabet, as well as some of the most common and useful Spanish words that start with M. From nouns and verbs to adverbs and adjectives, you now have a better understanding of Spanish vocabulary.
Remember, the key to learning any language is practice, so keep practicing those M-words! And if you want to take your Spanish to the next level, consider enrolling in SpanishVIP’s online language classes.
Our dedicated teachers and student success advisors will help you achieve your language goals in no time. So why wait? Sign up for SpanishVIP today and start a free 1:1 class or free 7 days of group classes and discover why the SpanishVIP methodology is so successful for hundreds of students!
Happy learning!
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