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Tú vs Usted in Spanish: Which One To Choose?

Have you ever wondered why some people use “tu” while others use “usted” when speaking Spanish? It’s not just a random choice but a reflection of social dynamics, respect, and formality. Understanding the difference can make your conversations more appropriate and engaging. Dive into this fascinating aspect of the Spanish language and discover how to navigate these nuances like a pro.

Join us as we unravel the intricacies of Spanish language etiquette!

What Is The Difference Between Tú And Usted?

In Spanish, “tú” and “usted” both mean “you,” but they are used in different contexts. 

“Tú” is the informal way to say “you.” It is used when talking to friends, family members, or people your age or younger. It’s casual and conveys a sense of closeness or familiarity. For example, you might say, “¿Cómo estás?” (How are you?) to a friend.

“Usted,” on the other hand, is the formal version of “you.” It is used in more respectful or professional settings. You use “usted” when speaking to someone older, in a position of authority, or when you want to show respect. For instance, you would say, “¿Cómo está usted?” when talking to your boss or a stranger.

The choice between “tú” and “usted” also depends on cultural norms and personal preferences. In some Spanish-speaking countries, “usted” is used more frequently, even among younger people or in less formal settings. Knowing when to use “tú” and “usted” helps you communicate more effectively and respectfully. It shows that you understand and appreciate the nuances of the Spanish language and culture.

“Tu vs. Usted” or “Tú vs. Usted”?

You’ll notice that a very important difference is the accent over the “u” in to talk about the pronoun. Without that accent, the tu is considered a possessive adjective. That is: “tú” is “you” and “tu” is “your”.

Spanish Subject Pronouns

Let’s just have a quick review of the Spanish personal pronouns

Spanish Personal Pronouns English Personal Pronouns
Yo (singular) I
Tú / vos (singular – informal) You
Usted (singular – formal) You
Él / Ella (singular) He / She
Nosotros (plural) We
Ustedes (plural – Latin America) You (you all)
Vosotros (plural – Spain) You (you all)
Ellos / Ellas They

Notice that the pronoun “vosotros” is only used in Spain. In Latin America, even native speakers will struggle if asked to conjugate a verb with this one.

 Quick Tip

Verbs after usted, él, and ella are conjugated in the same way.

How to conjugate and usted

When you learn Spanish, you learn native Spanish speakers barely use the subject pronouns. The conjugation of the verb is what you must pay attention to. Let’s get started with some of the most common verbs:

Spanish Verb Vos Usted
Ser (to be) eres sos es
Estar (to be) estás estás está
Ir (to go) vas vas va
Necesitar (to need) necesitas necesitás necesita
Tener (to have) tienes tenés tiene
Querer (to want) quieres querés quiere


Now, with some common Spanish reflexive verbs:

Spanish Reflexive Verb Vos Usted
Lavarse (to wash) te lavas te lavás se lava
Cepillarse (to brush) te cepillas te cepillás se cepilla
Vestirse (to get dressed) te vistes te vestís se viste
Maquillarse (to make up) te maquillas te maquillás se maquilla
Ducharse (to take a shower) te duchas te duchás se ducha
Dormirse (to fall asleep) te duermes te dormís se duerme


Group of six people pointing while enjoying a meal together

What Is The Difference Between “Tú” And “Vos”?

In Spanish, “tú” and “vos” both mean “you” but are used in different regions. The informal pronoun vos is not related to vosotros. In the times of the Spanish colonization, the indigenous population used the term vuestra merced” to refer to members of the Spanish nobility which in English would translate to “your grace”.


In Colombia, people use sumercé to talk to someone they don’t know that well or they want to show respect to. They also use the formal usted to refer to someone more experienced.

Vos is a pronoun that evolved from those times. In Latin American Spanish, vos can be found with a predominant status in:

  • Argentina
  • Uruguay
  • Paraguay
  • El Salvador
  • Guatemala
  • Honduras
  • Nicaragua
  • Costa Rica

Some other Spanish-speaking countries use and vos are:

  • Bolivia
  • Colombia
  • Panamá
  • Chile
  • Venezuela
  • Ecuador

And there are those which only use :

  • Perú
  • Puerto Rico
  • Dominican Republic
  • Spain
  • Cuba
  • México

Even when we say vos is not related to vosotros, there are regional dialects that use a combination of those two. That is, using the pronoun vos with the verb being conjugated as vosotros. Examples of it can be heard in the Zulia state in Venezuela and the Azuero Peninsula in Panama.

  • No sabía que vos sois zurdo: I didn’t know you are left-handed

On the other hand, is sometimes conjugated as vos in Chile. Don’t worry, all native Spanish-speakers will understand if you conjugate everything with .

When To Use Tú Or Usted: Formal Vs Informal

Use In The Informal Register

Use with friends and family: Although in some regions you may hear people using usted to call their parents, this is becoming less and less common. Also, people who are close to you deserve that friendly tú.

  • Tú me gustas: I like you.
  • ¿Cómo estás, mamá?: How are you, mom?

Use to talk with young folks like you: it feels awkward to call someone your age usted. This may only happen if that person is not friendly or appears to be much older.

  • ¡Somos de la misma edad, no me digas usted!: We are the same age, so don’t be so formal.
  • Oye, te gusta el rock?: Hey, do you like rock?

Use to talk with colleagues and classmates: people working or studying with you are people you see often and you most likely know a little.

  • Pedro, ¿tú tienes la tarea que mandó el profe hoy?: Pedro, do you have the homework the teacher sent today?
  • Trabajamos en la misma oficina, deberíamos conocernos mejor, ¿tú no crees?: We’re working in the same office, we should get to know each other, don’t you think?

Use address children and animals: It isn’t an actual rule, it’s just how it is. Don’t you tell me you don’t speak to your pets!

  • Carlitos, ¿tú quieres ganarte cinco dólares?: Carlitos, do you want to earn five dollars?
  • ¿Quién es una buena chica? ¡Tú eres una buena chica!: Who’s a good girl? You’re a good girl!

Friends, family or a loved one. Learn to show them how much you care with these Spanish Terms of Endearment and Pet Names.

And last but not least, you can use with insults. There is not much to be said here, insults are informal and a mean to disrespect.

Three people in business attire having a serious discussion

Use usted in the Formal Register

Use usted to refer to an older person with respect. Latin American societies are very respectful to their senior citizens, failing to do so may show lack of education. Older people might address young people using ; although certain exceptions can be made: a teacher calling students usted in class to keep a professional distance, for example.

  • Juan, ¿pudo usted completar la tarea para hoy?: Juan, were you able to complete today’s homework?
  • Usted siéntase tranquilo, abuelo. Ya le hago el desayuno: You just sit back, grandpa. I’ll make you breakfast.

Use usted in general when addressing people in bureaucratic or administrative situations. You don’t mean to disrespect in this kind of context.

  • Recuerden ustedes, por favor, que la asamblea comienza en diez minutos: Please remember that the assembly begins in ten minutes.
  • Tienen ustedes ahora el derecho a palabra: You now have the right to speak.

Use usted for business: talking to your boss or to someone from another company. It shows professionalism. For example:

  • ¿Podría hablar con usted después de la reunión, Sr. Ramirez?: May I have a word with you after the meeting, Mr. Ramirez?
  • Usted quedó asignada como la nueva directora de Recursos Humanos, Sra. Fajardo: You were assigned as the new Human Resources Director, Ms. Fajardo.

Use usted with people you don’t know: the first time you address a person on the street, using usted shows you are being polite.

  • Disculpe usted, caballero. ¿Me podría decir qué hora es?: Excuse me, sir. Could you please tell me what time it is?
  • Buenos días Sra. Rodríguez, ¿cómo está usted hoy?: Good Morning, Mrs. Rodríguez. How are you today?

From The Spanish Formal “Usted” To The Informal “Tú”

As described before, a young person using to refer to older people is odd and not well seen. If this happens, people may consider that the younger person has either bad manners or has a level of confidence already agreed with the elder.

This isn’t something unusual, even in English, someone can request to not be called by using a formal title but to be treated on a first-name basis. Depending on the situation and the context, that could also be taken as flirting and it would be very common in Spanish. Pay attention to the details!

Remember, if you are not sure about what to go for with a person, use usted. It’s safe and polite. People will ask you to call them by their first name — or like we say in Spanish, “tutear” —  when they feel the time is appropriate to do so.

Tutear Y Ustedear

Tutear means addressing a person with the informal for the sake of trust or familiarity. If you have known somebody for quite some time and you want to address them according to the new levels of confidence, you could ask: “¿Nos podemos tutear?”

Ustedear is not a common word but is valid in Spanish. Native speakers prefer to say “tratar de usted”, and that means giving or asking someone the treatment of respect with the formal pronoun usted.

Some Examples With Tú And Usted

English Phrases Usted
You are smart. Tú eres inteligente Usted es inteligente
Could you please bring some water? ¿Podrías traer algo de agua, por favor? ¿Podría traer algo de agua, por favor?
You are right. Tú tienes razón. Usted tiene razón.
Are you from around here? ¿Eres de por acá? ¿Usted es de por acá?
You have to say please. Tú tienes que decir por favor. Usted, tiene que decir por favor.
Choose one: Spanish from Spain or Latin Spanish. Escoge uno, español de España o español latino. Escoja usted uno, español de España o español latino.
You are unlucky. Tienes mala suerte. Tiene mala suerte.

What Is The Difference Between “Ustedes” And “Vosotros”?

Even when this article is not about these two, it is important to point out the difference given that they were shown at the beginning. It was already said that vosotros is only used in Spain and that people in Latin America know little about this verb conjugation. 

Well, the same thing happens with ustedes. Ustedes is used only in Latin America and the majority of Spaniards do not know how to conjugate with it. Both pronouns are not strictly formal, they can be used as the plural form of “you” as well.


  • Ustedes son profesores libres: You are free teachers.
  • Vosotros sois profesores libres: You are free teachers.

In conclusion, these two mean the same but are used in different places.

The Rest Is Up To You!

In mastering the nuances of ‘tú’ and ‘usted’, immersion is key. Pay close attention to native speakers as they effortlessly navigate between these pronouns, absorbing not just the words, but the cultural subtleties they carry. Remember, when in doubt, erring on the side of formality with ‘usted’ demonstrates respect and courtesy, fostering positive interactions in any Spanish-speaking setting.

Now, armed with this newfound understanding, it’s time to put your knowledge into action and have fun experimenting with these linguistic distinctions. Whether practicing with friends, conversing with locals, or immersing yourself in Spanish media, each interaction is an opportunity to refine your language skills and deepen your cultural appreciation.

And if you’re seeking a supportive environment to hone your Spanish skills further, look no further than SpanishVIP. With our free classes or free 7-day trial of our group classes and vibrant community of learners, you’ll find the perfect space to engage, grow, and connect with fellow language enthusiasts.

So, embrace the journey ahead with enthusiasm and curiosity. Practice makes perfect, and every step you take brings you closer to fluency and cultural fluency. Until our next encounter, ¡Hasta luego!

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