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Spanish Professions – Jobs in Spanish Vocabulary

Learning Spanish opens up a world of possibilities, including the ability to communicate with millions of people around the globe, explore vibrant cultures, and travel to stunning destinations. 

As part of mastering the Spanish language, it is essential to learn vocabulary and grammar, and a crucial aspect of this is understanding professions.

In any language, professions are an essential topic to cover as they relate to everyday life, work, and communication. In Spanish, there are many different professions, each with its specific vocabulary, grammar rules, and nuances. 

Whether you are studying Spanish for work or personal reasons, having a good grasp of professions is essential to build a solid foundation in the language.

In this blog, we will take an in-depth look at professions in Spanish, covering a range of topics, including vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and cultural differences. 

We will explore how to talk about your job, ask about someone’s profession, and navigate the world of work-related conversations in Spanish.

We will begin by examining the most common professions, including those that have masculine and feminine forms, and those with irregular feminine forms. 

We will also delve into the nuances of job titles in different Spanish-speaking countries and explore the differences between formal and informal language when discussing professions.

Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, this blog will provide you with valuable insights and resources to help you master professions. 

By the end of this blog, you will have a solid understanding of professions and be able to communicate effectively in work-related situations with native Spanish speakers.

Grammar Guide to Talk About Professions in Spanish

In the Spanish language, professions are an essential aspect of communication. Whether you want to talk about your profession or ask someone about theirs, having the correct grammar is crucial. In this guide, we’ll explore the different ways to talk about professions in Spanish.

Gender and Articles

In Spanish, every noun has its masculine and feminine forms, and this includes professions. To indicate the gender of the person who exercises the profession, you need to use the appropriate article. 

If you want to use the masculine form, use “el,” and if you want to use the feminine one, use “la.” Also, for most professions, the letter “a” must be added to convert it to feminine. For example:

  • The doctor: El doctor / La doctora 
  • The lawyer: El abogado / La abogada
  • The teacher: El maestro / La maestra
  • The librarian: El bibliotecario / La bibliotecaria
  • The nurse: El enfermero / La enfermera
  • The cooker: El cocinero / La cocinera
  • The baker: El panadero / La panadera

In some cases, certain occupations do not differentiate between genders. In such instances, one can only determine the gender by examining the article, the name of the person, or the context.

Although there is no definitive list of such occupations, those ending in -ista, -ante, -e, -o or -a in their masculine form typically remain the same in their feminine form. For example:

  • The dentist: El dentista / La dentista
  • The student: El estudiante / La estudiante
  • The manager: El gerente / La gerente
  • The journalist: El periodista / La periodista
  • The fireman/firewoman: El bombero / La bombero
  • The biologist: El biólogo / La biólogo
  • The office worker: El oficinista / La oficinista
  • The soldier: El soldado / La soldado
  • The policeman / policewoman: El policía / La policía

Lastly, there is a tiny set of professions that have an irregular feminine form. The three most popular examples are:

  • El actor / La actriz: the actor / the actress
  • El emperador / La emperatriz: the emperor / the empress
  • El rey / La reina: the king / the queen
Woman working on a laptop in a busy office
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Plural Forms

To talk about multiple people who have the same profession, you need to use the plural form. In Spanish, the plural form is usually formed by adding “-s” to the end of the noun. For example:

  • The doctors – Los doctores
  • The lawyers – Los abogados

Verb Forms

When you want to describe what someone does for a living or what their profession is, you need to use the appropriate verb form. For example:

  • Yo soy profesor

I am a teacher

  • Ella trabaja como doctora 

She works as a doctor.

How To Talk About Professions In Spanish

Before we look at the list of occupations, let’s look at some vocabulary to talk about occupations in Spanish. 

Talking about professions is a topic that is touched almost every day, and if you are a student of Spanish it is one of the topics that you should be super clear about to start getting loose in the language!

First, let’s look at some questions about professions:

  • ¿En qué trabajas?

What do you do for work?

  • ¿Cuál es tu profesión? 

What is your profession?

  • ¿Dónde trabajas?

Where do you work?

  • ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas trabajando allí?

How long have you been working there?

  • ¿Cuánto ganas?

How much do you earn?

  • ¿Cuál es tu horario de trabajo?

What is your work schedule?

  • ¿Tienes beneficios laborales?

Do you have any job benefits?

  • ¿Cuál es tu jefe directo?

Who is your direct boss?

  • ¿Cuál es tu profesión?

What is your profession?

  • ¿A qué te dedicas?

What do you do?

  • ¿Que es lo que más te gusta de tu trabajo?

What do you like most about your job?

  • ¿Cómo es tu trabajo?

What is your job like?

  • ¿Te gusta tu trabajo?

Do you like your job?

Man wearing a hard hat holding a clipboard in a warehouse
Image by Freepik via Freepik

Now that you know different types of questions about work, let’s learn how to answer them! Let’s see:

  • Trabajo como… [profesión]

I work as a… [profession]

  • Me dedico a… [actividad laboral]

I am dedicated to… [work activity]

  • Trabajo en… [nombre de empresa]

I work at… [company name]

  • Soy empleado/a de… [nombre de empresa]

I am an employee of… [company name]

  • Me desempeño en el área de… [área de trabajo]

I work in the field of… [work area]

  • Estoy en el puesto de… [nombre de puesto]

I am in the position of… [job title]

  • Trabajo para… [nombre de cliente o proyecto]

I work for… [client or project name]

  • Me pagan por hora / mensualmente / por proyecto

I get paid hourly/monthly/per project

  • Trabajo tiempo completo / medio tiempo

I work full-time/part-time.

  • Me gusta mi trabajo / No me gusta mi trabajo

I like my job / I don’t like my job

  • No me gusta nada mi trabajo

I don’t like my job at all

List of Professions in Spanish By Areas

Medicine and Health

Spanish  English 
Médico/a – Doctor/a Doctor
Enfermero/a  Nurse
Dentista  Dentist
Terapeuta  Therapist
Fisioterapeuta Physiotherapist
Farmacéutico/a Pharmacist
Psicólogo/a  Psychologist
Veterinario/a Veterinarian
Nutricionista Nutritionist
Cirujano/a Surgeon
Ginecólogo/a Gynecologist
Pediatra Pediatrician
Cardiólogo/a Cardiologist
Oftalmólogo/a Ophthalmologist
Optometrista Optometrist
Doctor holding a stethoscope while crossing arms
Image by 8photo via Freepik

Law and Politics

Spanish  English 
Abogado/a  Lawyer
Juez/a Judge
Fiscal Prosecutor
Policía Police Officer
Diplomático/a Diplomat
Ministro/a Minister
Alcalde/sa Mayor
Diputado/a Congressman/woman
Senador/a Senator
Secretario/a de Estado Secretary of State

Engineering and Technology

Spanish  English 
Ingeniero/a Engineer
Arquitecto/a Architect
Programador/a Programmer
Diseñador/a Designer
Técnico/a de computación Computer Technician
Técnico/a de redes Network Technician
Especialista en seguridad informática Cybersecurity Specialist
Especialista en inteligencia artificial Artificial Intelligence Specialist
Especialista en robótica Robotics Specialist
Two engineers with hard hats discussing in a factory
Image by aleksandarlittlewolf via Freepik


Spanish  English 
Maestro/a  Teacher
Profesor/a Professor
Director/a Principal
Psicopedagogo/a Educational Psychologist
Asistente de enseñanza Teaching Assistant
Tutor/a Tutor
Entrenador/a Coach


In many Latin American countries, it is common for teachers to be addressed by their title, “profesor” or “profesora”, followed by their first name. This is a sign of respect for their profession and expertise. In Spain, however, it is more common to address teachers by their last name.

Business and Finance

Spanish  English 
Empresario/a Entrepreneur
Contador/a Accountant
Analista financiero/a Financial Analyst
Consultor/a Consultant
Agente de ventas Sales Agent
Analista de negocios Business Analyst
Especialista en marketing Marketing Specialist
Banquero/a Banker

Arts and Entertainment

Spanish  English 
Actor/actriz  Actor/Actress
Músico/a Musician
Bailarín/a Dancer
Artista plástico/a Visual Artist
Escritor/a Writer
Periodista Journalist
Fotógrafo/a Photographer
Productor/a Producer
Director/a Director
Guionista Screenwriter
Animador/a Animator
Person painting green leaves on canvas with a palette
Image by Freepik via Freepik

Service Industry

Spanish  English 
Camarero/a Waiter/Waitress
Chef/Cocinero/a Chef/Cook
Peluquero/a Hairdresser
Esteticista Aesthetician
Masajista Massage Therapist
Jardinero/a  Gardener
Limpieza  Cleaning Staff
Guardia de seguridad Security Guard
Conserje Janitor


Spanish  English 
Atleta  Athlete
Científico/a Scientist
Astronauta Astronaut
Piloto/a Pilot
Geólogo/a Geologist
Cartógrafo/a Cartographer
Agricultor/a Farmer


According to a study conducted by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in 2019, the most popular undergraduate degrees in Latin America are business administration, law, engineering, and psychology.

Trades and Labor

Spanish  English
Carpintero/a  Carpenter
Electricista Electrician
Fontanero/a Plumber
Albañil Mason
Mecánico/a Mechanic
Soldador/a Welder
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Talk About Your Profession As A Professional!

Understanding the nuances of Spanish professions, including their masculine and feminine forms, is an essential aspect of mastering the language. 

As a Spanish learner, familiarizing yourself with common occupations and their associated feminine and masculine nouns will empower you to communicate more effectively and accurately according to the gender of the individuals involved.

Throughout this blog, we have explored some of the most common professions, showcasing how masculine forms like “el profesor,” “el capitán,” “el cartero,” and “el panadero” can be adapted according to gender. 

By learning and practicing these variations, you’ll be better equipped to discuss a wide range of occupations, from an office worker to your dream job.

It’s important to recognize that some professions, such as “el mesero” and “la mesera,” have specific feminine counterparts, while others might require a slight modification, like adding an “a” to the masculine form. 

In any case, understanding the intricacies of these gender-based distinctions is crucial for any Spanish learner seeking to engage in authentic and respectful conversations.

As you continue to develop your Spanish language skills, we encourage you to delve deeper into the world of Spanish professions, embracing the challenge of learning the masculine and feminine forms of various occupations. 

By doing so, you’ll not only enhance your vocabulary but also demonstrate a genuine understanding and appreciation of the Spanish language and culture.

Whether you’re discussing “el capitán” and “el marinero” navigating the seas, or “el cartero” and “el panadero” serving their local communities, being mindful of the appropriate gender forms will undoubtedly enrich your Spanish learning journey. 

With practice and dedication, you’ll soon be able to discuss professions with ease and confidence, according to the gender of the individuals involved. 

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