Welcome to our blog, a platform for Spanish learners to uncover unique and handy words starting with the letter “K”. Despite “K” being less common in the Spanish language, numerous intriguing words beginning with “K” exist.
We will delve into an assortment of Spanish words beginning with “K”, spanning categories like nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. We will unpack the meanings, providing you with essential knowledge to improve your Spanish language skills.
Whether you’re a novice or proficient learner, studying these words can broaden your vocabulary, comprehension, and appreciation for the culture and history of Spanish-speaking countries.
Join us in exploring the captivating world of Spanish words starting with “K”. From native Spanish words like “kioscos” to universal concepts like “karma”, we cater to everyone’s interests. Let’s dive into the enchanting universe of Spanish words that commence with “K” together!
History Of Letter K In Spanish Language
The letter K is not native to the Spanish language, and it is not commonly used in Spanish words. It is only used in loanwords borrowed from other languages such as English, German, and Greek.
The letter K was not included in the original Spanish alphabet, which was derived from the Latin alphabet. However, it was added to the Spanish alphabet in 2010 by the Royal Spanish Academy, along with the letters W and Y.
This change was made to accommodate the increasing use of these letters in loanwords and foreign names.
Before the inclusion of K in the Spanish alphabet, words with the sound represented by K were spelled with the letter C or, in some cases, with the letter Q.
For example, the word “kilo” was spelled “quilo,” and the word “karate” was spelled “carate.” Today, these words are spelled with the letter K.
Overall, the letter K has a limited presence in the Spanish language, and its use is mainly restricted to loanwords and foreign names.
The letter K is not commonly used in Spanish words, as many Spanish words with the “k” sound are spelled with the letter “c” or “qu”. For example, “queso” (cheese), “cuando” (when), “quince” (fifteen).
Difference Between “C”, “Qu”, and “K” In Spanish
In Spanish, the letters “C,” “Qu,” and “K” all represent the same sound, which is the /k/ sound. However, they are used in different contexts and have different rules for their usage.
“C” is used before “a,” “o,” and “u” to represent the /k/ sound. For example, “casa” (house), “comida” (food), and “cuchillo” (knife).
“Qu” is used before “e” and “i” to represent the /k/ sound. For example, “queso” (cheese) and “quiero” (I want).
“K” is not a native letter in the Spanish alphabet and is only used in loanwords and foreign words. For example, “karaoke” or “kilómetro”.
It is important to note that some words may have alternative spellings with either “c” or “qu”, depending on the word’s etymology or pronunciation.
Additionally, Spanish also has other letters and combinations of letters that represent the /k/ sound, such as “cc” and “qü” (used only in Catalan).

Spanish Nouns Starting With K (Sustantivos)
Nouns are words that name people, places, things, or ideas. They are a fundamental part of any language, as they help us to identify and communicate about the world around us.
In Spanish, like in other languages, nouns can be classified as either masculine or feminine, and they often change form depending on their role in a sentence.
Here are some Spanish nouns that begin with the letter “K”:
Spanish | English |
Kiwi | Kiwi |
Ketchup | Ketchup |
Kilogramo | Kilogram |
Kiosco | Kiosk |
Karaoke | Karaoke |
Kárate | Karate |
Kripton | Krypton |
Kiosquero | Kiosk Vendor |
While some of these nouns may be borrowed from other languages, such as “kiwi” and “ketchup” from English, others are more specific to the Spanish language, such as “kiosco” and “kárate.”
Learning Spanish nouns that begin with “K” can be a great way to expand your vocabulary and deepen your understanding of the language.
Spanish Verbs Starting With K (Verbos)
There are few verbs with the letter “K” in Spanish because the letter “K” is not native to the Spanish alphabet. The Spanish language originally evolved from Latin, which did not have the letter “K” in its alphabet.
Instead, the sound represented by “K” in other languages was represented by the letters “C” or “Q” in Latin.
When the letter “K” was eventually introduced into the Spanish language, it was mainly through borrowed words from other languages, such as English, and these words tend to be nouns or adjectives rather than verbs. This is why there are relatively few verbs in Spanish that begin with the letter “K”.
However, it’s worth noting that the Spanish language is constantly evolving and adapting, and new words and usages are regularly introduced. So while there may be few verbs with the letter “K” in Spanish today, this could change in the future as the language continues to develop.
Let’s look at a list of verbs that exist in Spanish with the letter “K”, although these verbs are truly unusual, words that are hardly used, so don’t worry too much about memorizing them by heart.
Spanish | English |
Kafkiano | To Be Kafkaesque |
Kriptonizar | To Kryptonize |
Karatear | To Practice Karate |
Kibutzear | To Work On A Kibbutz |
Spanish Adverbs Starting With K (Adverbios)
An adverb is a word that modifies or describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Adverbs are used to add more information to a sentence, such as how, when, where, or to what extent something is done.
In Spanish, there are several adverbs that start with the letter “K,” although they are not as commonly used as other letters. Some examples of Spanish adverbs starting with “K” are:
Spanish | English |
Kafkianamente | In A Kafkaesque Manner |
Kármicamente | Karmically |
Kinéticamente | Kinetically |
Kioscamente | Kiosk-Like Manner |
Káyicamente | In A Kayaking Manner |
It’s worth noting that some of these adverbs are quite rare and may only be used in specific contexts or in more formal writing. Additionally, not all Spanish speakers may be familiar with adverbs starting with “K,” as they are not commonly used in everyday speech.

Spanish Adjectives Starting With K (Adjetivos)
Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns or pronouns, providing more information about their qualities, characteristics, or attributes. Adjectives can be used to indicate size, color, shape, age, origin, personality, and many other aspects of the noun they describe.
In Spanish, adjectives usually come after the noun they modify and must agree in gender and number with the noun. This means that if the noun is feminine, the adjective should also be feminine, and if the noun is plural, the adjective should also be plural.
Spanish adjectives starting with K are relatively rare, as the letter K is not commonly used in the Spanish language. However, there are a few Spanish adjectives that start with K, such as:
Spanish | English |
Kilométrico | Kilometric |
Kafkiano | Referring to the style or themes of the writer Franz Kafka |
As you can see, the use of Spanish adjectives starting with K is quite limited. However, there are many other adjectives in the Spanish language that start with other letters and can be used to describe a wide range of nouns.
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