Welcome to our blog focused on Spanish words beginning with the letter R! Spanish is an eloquent and vibrant language, steeped in a rich history and culture that has had a profound global impact.
Learning this new language can pave the way for exciting opportunities, be it travel, business, or personal development.
One efficient method to boost your Spanish vocabulary is by concentrating on Spanish words that start with a particular letter, such as “R” in our case.
This blog takes you on an expedition through the diverse Spanish words that start with R, encompassing everyday nouns and verbs, illustrative adjectives, and handy adverbs.
We will plunge into the meanings and uses of these Spanish words, and provide context-based examples. This will enable you to understand their true essence, and how to roll your tongue to get the Spanish pronunciation just right.
Whether you’re a novice just beginning to learn Spanish or an intermediate speaker aiming to widen your vocabulary, our blog caters to all.
This blog aspires to be a valuable tool in your journey of learning Spanish, covering words and phrases from Spain to Latin America. So, let’s dive into the captivating world of Spanish words starting with the letter R.
Watch as we unravel each word from its beginning to its end, create a better understanding of Spanish pronunciation, and remember to check back for more.
Let’s embark on this exploration of the wonderful world of Spanish words starting with R together!
History Of The Letter R In The Spanish Alphabet
The letter “R” has a rich history in the Spanish alphabet. The Spanish language developed from Latin, and the letter “R” was part of the original Latin alphabet. However, over time, the pronunciation of the letter evolved in Spanish, and so did its representation in writing.
In Old Spanish, the letter “R” was pronounced as a trill, like the “R” in the Italian language. However, in the 16th century, the pronunciation of the letter began to change, and it became a flap, similar to the “tt” sound in the English word “butter.”
This sound change resulted in a significant difference in the way Spanish speakers pronounce the letter “R” compared to speakers of other Romance languages.
The modern Spanish alphabet includes the letter “R,” which is pronounced as a flap or trill, depending on the speaker’s region and dialect. The Spanish “R” is one of the most challenging sounds for non-native speakers to master, and many language learners struggle with it.
In addition to the standard “R,” there are two other variations of the letter in Spanish: the “RR,” which is pronounced as a double trill, and the “r” with a diacritical mark, called the “r suave,” which is pronounced as a soft flap.
These variations add complexity to the already challenging Spanish “R,” making it one of the most distinctive and important sounds in the language.
The letter “R” is also used in many Spanish words to indicate a rolling or flowing motion, as in “río” (river) or “correr” (to run).
Difference Between “R” and “RR” in Spanish
In the Spanish language, the letters “R” and “RR” are distinct letters that represent different sounds.
The letter “R” is pronounced as a single flap or tap of the tongue against the roof of the mouth. This sound is similar to the “tt” sound in the American English pronunciation of the word “butter” and it’s used in words such as “pero” (but), “caro” (expensive), and “tarde” (afternoon).
On the other hand, the letter “RR” (double R) represents a trilled or rolled “R” sound. This is created by rapidly vibrating the tip of the tongue against the alveolar ridge (the bumpy ridge behind the upper teeth).
This sound is similar to the “RR” sound in the English word “ferret”. The trilled “RR” sound is used in words such as “perro” (dog), “arroz” (rice), and “correr” (to run).
The distinction between the “R” and “RR” sounds is important in Spanish because it can change the meaning of a word. For example, the word “para” means “for” or “to” with a single “R”, but “perra” means “female dog” with a double “RR”.
Similarly, “caro” means “expensive” with a single “R”, but “carro” means “car” with a double “RR”.
In summary, the letters “R” and “RR” represent different sounds in Spanish, with the single “R” representing a flap or tap sound and the double “RR” representing a trilled or rolled sound. The distinction between these sounds is important because it can change the meaning of a word.
Spanish Nouns Starting With R (Sustantivos)
Nouns are words that represent people, animals, objects, places, or concepts. In Spanish, nouns can be either masculine or feminine, and they can be singular or plural.
Here are some common Spanish nouns starting with R:
Spanish | English |
Rana | Frog |
Razonamiento | Reasoning |
Reacción | Reaction |
Realidad | Reality |
Rebanada | Slice |
Rebote | Rebound |
Recado | Message |
Receta | Recipe |
Recompensa | Reward |
Rector | Rector |
Red | Net |
Regalo | Gift |
Región | Region |
Registro | Registry |
Reina | Queen |
Relación | Relationship |
Religión | Religion |
Remedio | Remedy |
Rencor | Rancor |
Renombre | Renown |
Renta | Income |
Reserva | Reservation |
Resolución | Resolution |
Respuesta | Response |
Restaurante | Restaurant |
Retrato | Portrait |
Revolución | Revolution |
Rico | Rich |
Riesgo | Risk |

Spanish Verbs Starting With R (Verbos)
Verbs are words that express actions, processes, or states of being. They are often the main component of a sentence and can be modified by adverbs, objects, or other grammatical elements.
Here are some common Spanish verbs starting with R:
Spanish | English |
Recibir | To Receive |
Recordar | To Remember |
Realizar | To Carry Out |
Reanudar | To Resume |
Rebasar | To Surpass |
Recargar | To Recharge |
Reconocer | To Recognize |
Recomendar | To Recommend |
Reconciliar | To Reconcile |
Recorrer | To Travel Through |
Recortar | To Cut Back |
Recuperar | To Recover |
Redactar | To Write |
Reducir | To Reduce |
Reemplazar | To Replace |
Reflexionar | To Reflect |
Refrescar | To Refresh |
Reformar | To Reform |
Refrigerar | To Refrigerate |
Regalar | To Give As A Gift |
Regañar | To Scold |
Regar | To Water |
Registrar | To Register |
Regular | To Regulate |
Reinar | To Reign |
Reír | To Laugh |
Reiterar | To Reiterate |
Relajarse | To Relax |
Relevar | To Relieve |
Remar | To Row |
Spanish Adverbs Starting With R (Adverbios)
Adverbs are words that modify or describe verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. They often provide information about time, frequency, manner, degree, or place.
Here are some common Spanish adverbs starting with R:
Spanish | English |
Rápidamente | Quickly |
Realmente | Really |
Raramente | Rarely |
Raudamente | Swiftly |
Recién | Recently |
Regularmente | Regularly |
Relativamente | Relatively |
Remotamente | Remotely |
Repetidamente | Repeatedly |
Respetuosamente | Respectfully |
Rigurosamente | Rigorously |
Ruidosamente | Noisily |
Raramente | Rarely |
Razonablemente | Reasonably |
Realmente | Really |
Regularmente | Regularly |
Relajadamente | Relaxedly |
Repentinamente | Suddenly |
Repetitivamente | Repetitively |
Resueltamente | Resolutely |
Revolucionariamente | Revolutionarily |
Ricamente | Richly |
Ruidosamente | Loudly |
Rudamente | Rudely |
Rítmicamente | Rhythmically |
Rotativamente | Rotatively |

Spanish Adjectives Starting With R (Adjetivos)
Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns or pronouns. They often provide information about characteristics, qualities, or attributes of the subject.
Here are some common Spanish adjectives starting with R:
Spanish | English |
Raro | Rare, Strange |
Rápido | Fast |
Real | Real |
Rebosante | Overflowing |
Reciente | Recent |
Recio | Strong, Tough |
Reconfortante | Comforting |
Rectangular | Rectangular |
Redondo | Round |
Reflexivo | Reflective |
Refrescante | Refreshing |
Regio | Regal, Royal |
Regular | Regular |
Reincidente | Repeat Offender |
Relajado | Relaxed |
Relevante | Relevant |
Religioso | Religious |
Remoto | Remote |
Renovado | Renewed |
Renovable | Renewable |
Repetitivo | Repetitive |
Repleto | Full, Packed |
Representativo | Representative |
Reservado | Reserved |
Respetable | Respectable |
Responsable | Responsible |
Resplandeciente | Resplendent |
Rico | Rich |
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