Are you stumped by a five-letter conundrum in your Spanish homework, or grappling with a vexing crossword hint? Are you participating in a game that calls for Spanish 5-letter words?
Or perhaps, as a diligent Spanish learner, you’re eager to boost your lexical repertoire with new words. In any case, we’ve crafted a handy list of 5-letter words in Spanish, arranged meticulously from start to end in alphabetical order, to help demystify that elusive Spanish word.
Our lists are an effective learning tool for any Spanish teacher, or amigo (friend) wanting to learn new words. But be careful – with the multitude of Spanish words at your disposal, you may just find yourself immersed in the beautiful complexity of the language!
If the first letter of your desired Spanish word remains a mystery, fret not. A simple CTRL+F or Command+F will swiftly reveal words in Spanish that correspond to the letter combination you already possess.
As your virtual Spanish teacher, we aim to simplify your journey of learning words in Spanish. Our lists are more than just a compilation of Spanish letters and words, they offer a bridge to translate your understanding into fluency.
Whether you’re looking to translate Spanish words, learn phrases, or playfully throw around ‘amigo’ in your conversations, this blog is your ally. By the end, you’ll be well-versed with a trove of 5-letter words in Spanish, ready to impress at your next Spanish quiz or casual conversation.
Remember: This list is only a selection of some of the most common Spanish words with five letters. Each word can have more than one translation.
5-Letters Nouns In Spanish (Sustantivos)
Just like in English, A noun is a grammatical category or class of words used to name an object, subject, place, or concept. For example Maria, car, house, Colombia. Spanish nouns are either masculine or feminine.
It is important to understand the gender of the noun in order to be sure to be able to change the gender of the noun’s adjective if needed.
- El balón cayó al suelo – The ball fell on the ground
“Balón” (ball) is the noun.
- El perro ladró a su dueña – The dog barked at its owner
“Perro” (dog) is the noun.
Here is a list of 5-letter nouns:
Spanish | English |
Aleta | Fin |
Arnés | Harness |
Astro | Astro |
Atajo | Shortcut |
Audio | Audio |
Avena | Oatmeal |
Axila | Underarm |
Bingo | Bingo |
Bóxer | Boxer |
Bucal | Bucal |
Burro | Donkey |
Busto | Bust |
Cafés | Coffee |
Cajas | Boxes |
Cáliz | Calyx |
Callo | Callus |
Canas | Canas |
Canes | Canes |
Cómic | Comic |
Daños | Damages |
Datos | Data |
Dedos | Fingers |
Donas | Doughnuts |
Doñas | Doughnuts |
Dones | Donuts |
Drama | Drama |
Dubai | Dubai |
Ellas | They |
Encía | Gum |
Enojo | Anger |
Envío | Shipping |
Error | Error |
Esquí | Ski |
Euros | Euros |
Fémur | Femur |
Forma | Shape |
Fósil | Fossil |
Fotos | Photos |
Freno | Brake |
Fresa | Strawberry |
Gafas | Glasses |
Gales | Wales |
Gases | Gases |
Gatos | Cats |
Genes | Genes |
Ghana | Ghana |
Goles | Goals |
Gorra | Cap |
Grúas | Cranes |
Grumo | Grumo |
Haití | Haiti |
Hotel | Hotel |
Huevo | Egg |
Hurto | Theft |
Ideas | Ideas |
Iglús | Igloos |
Ingle | Ingle |
Islas | Islands |
Japón | Japan |
Jarra | Jug |
Jefes | Chiefs |
Jerga | Jargon |
Jugos | Juices |
Julio | July |
Lagos | Lakes |
Lazos | Links |
Leyes | Laws |
Loros | Parrots |
Lunar | Lunar |
Magos | Magicians |
Manos | Hands |
Mapas | Maps |
Mares | Seas |
Media | Media |
Memes | Memes |
Menta | Mint |
Menús | Menus |
Mesas | Tables |
Metas | Goals |
Miles | Thousands |
Modas | Fashions |
Monos | Monkeys |
Moscú | Moscow |
Móvil | Mobile |
Multa | Fine |
Naves | Ships |
Nepal | Nepal |
Niños | Children |
Notas | Notes |
Nubes | Clouds |
Nudos | Knots |
Obras | Works |
Ojera | Eye |
Ollas | Pots |
Ondas | Waves |
Onzas | Ounces |
Opera | Opera |
Osito | Teddy Bear |
Ovulo | Ovule |
Óxido | Oxide |
Pañal | Diaper |
Panes | Bread |
París | Paris |
Pasas | Raisins |
Paseo | Walk |
Patos | Ducks |
Pausa | Pause |
Pauta | Guideline |
Pavos | Turkeys |
Pecas | Freckles |
Peces | Fish |
Regla | Rule |
Reino | Kingdom |
Reyes | Kings |
Rímel | Mascara |
Riocas | Riocas |
Ritos | Rites |
Rulos | Curls |
Rusia | Russia |
Santa | Santa |
Sapos | Toads |
Vacas | Cows |
Valle | Valley |
Vasos | Vessels |
Viaje | Travel |
5-Letters Verbs In Spanish (Verbos)
Verbs are those words that are used to express actions, states, attitudes, conditions, events of nature, or existence. For example: to go (ir), to run correr), to touch (tocar).
You can find infinitive as well as conjugated verbs in our list of Spanish five-letter words. Remember that Spanish infinitives end in one of these three-letter combinations: -ar, -er or -ir. So, if you notice a verb that ends in any one of these letter combinations, the verb is in its infinitive form!
Conjugated verbs can also be found in this list of five-letter Spanish words. The conjugated form of a verb is when the verb has been changed depending on the person doing the action.
- Ella juega con la muñeca – She plays with the doll
“Juega” (plays) is the verb. - Juan ve la televisión – Juan watches television
“Ve” (watches) is the verb.
Here you have a list of 5-letter verbs to add to your Spanish vocabulary:
Spanish | English |
Armar | Assemble |
Aúllo | I howl |
Ayuda | Help |
Ayuna | Fast |
Burla | Taunt |
Calmó | Calm |
Cansa | Tires |
Canta | Sing |
Cantó | He sang |
Dancé | I Danced |
Deben | Must |
Debes | Must |
Dejas | Leave |
Dices | You say |
Diles | Tell them |
Donan | Donate |
Espío | I Spy |
Estar | Be |
Evade | Evade |
Evoca | Evokes |
Exige | Demands |
Fumar | Smoking |
Gastó | Spent |
Grabé | Recorded |
Gritó | Shouted |
Había | Had |
Habla | Speak |
Habrá | There will be |
Hacen | They do |
Haces | You do |
Halla | Find |
Irías | Go |
Jugar | Play |
Ladró | Barked |
Licua | Mix |
Logró | Achieved |
Manda | Send |
Marcó | Marked |
Miras | You see |
Morir | Die |
Nadar | Swim |
Odias | Hate |
Oírte | Hearing you |
Pagar | Pay |
Pasar | Pass |
Quede | Stay |
Quemó | Burned |
Rezan | Pray |
Rimar | Rhyme |
Robar | Stealing |
Rodar | Roll |
Sabía | Knew |
Salir | Exit |
Salta | Jump |
Sanar | Heal |
Serás | You will be |
Tengo | I have |
Tenía | Had |
Tiene | Has |
Vengo | I come |
Vimos | We saw |
Volar | Fly |
Votar | Vote |
Yendo | Going to |

5-Letters Adverbs In Spanish (Adverbios)
An adverb is a type of word whose function is to modify or complement a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or, on certain occasions, an entire sentence. Its function is similar to that of the adjective, but the adverb is invariable: it does not change its gender or number.
- María trabaja lejos. – Maria works far away.
“Lejos” (far away) is the adverb. - Ese vestido es similar al mío. – That dress is similar to mine.
“Similar” (similar) is the adverb.
Expand your adverb vocabulary with this list of 5-letter adverbs!
Spanish | English |
Abajo | Below |
Acaso | Maybe |
Ahora | Now |
Antes | Before |
Atrás | Back |
Bueno | Good |
Cerca | Nearby |
Detrás | Behind |
Donde | Where |
Entre | Enter |
Fuera | Outside |
Jamás | Never |
Justo | Just |
Lejos | Far |
Luego | Then |
Mitad | Half |
Mucho | Much |
Nunca | Never |
Quien | Who |
Quizá | Maybe |
Sobre | About |
5-Letters Adjectives In Spanish (Adjetivos)
The adjective is a kind of word that qualifies the noun in the sentence, provides additional information or complements its meaning.
The adjective can express different characteristics such as qualities (beautiful, tall), states (single, sad, happy), attitudes (active, idealistic), possibilities (probable, incredible), origin or nationality (Mexican, Argentinean).
Spanish adjectives must agree in number and gender with the nouns they describe. This also means that the endings of Spanish adjectives can vary.
- El coche azul es de mi tío. – The blue car is my uncle’s.
“Azul” (blue) is the adjective.
- Su hija es mexicana. – His daughter is Mexican.
“Mexicana” (mexican) is the adjective.
Here is a list of 5-letters adjectives in Spanish!
Spanish | English |
Débil | Weak |
Densa | Dense |
Dulce | Sweet |
Duros | Hard |
Ebrio | Drunken |
Flaca | Skinny |
Frías | Cold |
Frita | Fried |
Gorda | Fat |
Grave | Serious |
Guapo | Handsome |
Iluso | Iluso |
India | Indian |
Indio | Indian |
Iraní | Iranian |
Islam | Islam |
Larga | Long |
Lenta | Slow |
Libre | Free |
Linda | Linda |
Locas | Locas |
Locos | Locos |
Malas | Bad |
Males | Males |
Malos | Bad |
Patán | Muttley |
Rojas | Red |
Rotas | Broken |
Rusas | Russian |
Tenso | Tense |
Terca | Stubborn |
Tonta | Dumb |
Torpe | Clumsy |
Usado | Used |
Verde | Green |
Zurda | Lefty |
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Mastering the Spanish language, particularly these five-letter words, will allow you to create rich, meaningful sentences. Unravel hard Spanish words, interesting Spanish facts, and explore the vibrant cultures of Spanish-speaking countries with us.
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