Did you know that -ER verbs are the second biggest category of regular Spanish verbs?
Spanish grammar may seem a bit overwhelming and complicated at first, but in reality, once you learn to conjugate regular verbs you are halfway there. It may be a little slow at first, but as you practice, it will become a piece of cake.
An effective strategy is to prioritize the most common verbs you use daily, and over time, add slightly more complicated verbs.
In this article, we will exclusively focus on regular -ER verbs to enhance your understanding of Spanish grammar. Remember that regular verbs differ from irregular verbs in that their root does not vary. When you start learning irregular verbs, you will see how the basic stem of a verb (when the -AR, -ER, or -IR ending is eliminated) will also change and you will have to memorize these changes.
For now, with regular verbs, you will not have to remember any changes in the root, only the changes in the verb endings.
Notice that “él”, “ella” and “usted” share the same verb form in the singular, and “ellos”, “ellas” and “ustedes” share the same verb form in the plural.
ER Spanish Verbs Conjugation In The Present Simple Tense
To conjugate -er verbs in the present tense in Spanish, just delete the -er and add the following endings to the stem: -o, -es, -en, -emos, -éis, -en.
Spanish Personal Pronouns | Conjugation Present Simple Tense |
Yo (singular) | -o |
Tú / vos (singular) | -es |
Él / Ella, Usted (singular) | -en |
Nosotros (plural) | -emos |
Vosotros (plural – Spain) | -éis |
Ellos / Ellas, Ustedes (plural) | -en |
Spanish Infinitive verb | Yo | Tu | Él/Ella/Usted | Nosotros | Vosotros | Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes |
Beber (to drink) | Bebo | Bebes | Bebe | Bebemos | Bebéis | Beben |
Comer (to eat) | Como | Comes | Come | Comemos | Coméis | Comen |
Correr (to run) | Corro | Corres | Corre | Corremos | Corréis | Corren |
Leer (to read) | Leo | Lees | Lee | Leemos | Leéis | Leen |
Ver (to see / watch) | Veo | Ves | Ve | Vemos | Véis | Ven |
Vender (to sell) | Vendo | Vendes | Vende | Vendemos | Vendéis | Venden |
Here are some examples of verbs ending in ER conjugated to the present simple in Spanish:
Yo bebo agua
I drink water
Juan lee un libro
Juan reads a book
María ve la televisión
María watches TV
ER Spanish Verbs Conjugation In The Past Simple Tense
To conjugate -er verbs in the past tense in Spanish, delete the -er and add the following endings to the stem: -í, -iste, -ió, -imos, -ísteis, -ieron.
Spanish Personal Pronouns | Conjugation Past Simple Tense |
Yo (singular) | -í |
Tú / vos (singular) | -iste |
Él / Ella, Usted (singular) | -ió |
Nosotros (plural) | -imos |
Vosotros (plural – Spain) | -isteis |
Ellos / Ellas, Ustedes (plural) | -ieron |
Spanish Infinitive verb | Yo | Tu | Él/Ella/Usted | Nosotros | Vosotros | Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes |
Beber (to drink) | Bebí | Bebiste | Bebió | Bebimos | Bebisteis | Bebieron |
Comer (to eat) | Comí | Comiste | Comió | Comimos | Comisteis | Comieron |
Correr (to run) | Corrí | Corriste | Corrió | Corrimos | Corristeis | Corrieron |
Leer (to read) | Leí | Leiste | Leyó (*) | Leímos | Leísteis | Leyeron (*) |
Ver (to see / watch) | Ví | Viste | Vió | Vimos | Vísteis | Vieron |
Vender (to sell) | Vendí | Vendiste | Vendió | Vendimos | Vendisteis | Vendieron |
(*) For past tense verbs that would logically end in vowel-i-vowel (e.g., leió, leieron), the -i is replaced by an -y. (Leyó, leyeron).
Here are some examples of verbs ending in ER conjugated to the past simple in Spanish:
Yo bebí agua
I drank water
Juan leyó un libro
Juan read a book
María vió la televisión
María watched TV

ER Spanish Verbs Conjugation In The Future Simple Tense
To conjugate -er verbs in the future tense in Spanish, you’ll need to delete the -er and add the following endings to the stem: -eré, -erás, -erá, -emos, -eréis, -án.
Spanish Personal Pronouns | Conjugation Future Simple Tense |
Yo (singular) | -eré |
Tú / vos (singular) | -erás |
Él / Ella, Usted (singular) | -erá |
Nosotros (plural) | -emos |
Vosotros (plural – Spain) | -eréis |
Ellos / Ellas, Ustedes (plural) | -án |
Spanish Infinitive verb | Yo | Tu | Él/Ella/Usted | Nosotros | Vosotros | Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes |
Beber (to drink) | Beberé | Beberás | Beberá | Beberemos | Beberéis | Beberán |
Comer (to eat) | Comeré | Comerás | Comerá | Comeremos | Comeréis | Comerán |
Correr (to run) | Correré | Correrás | Correrá | Correremos | Correréis | Correrán |
Leer (to read) | Leeré | Leerás | Leerá | Leeremos | Leeréis | Leerán |
Ver (to see / watch) | Veré | Verás | Verá | Veremos | Veréis | Verán |
Vender (to sell) | Venderé | Venderás | Venderá | Venderemos | Venderéis | Venderán |
Here are some examples of verbs ending in AR conjugated to the future simple in Spanish:
Yo beberé agua
I will drink water
Juan leerá un libro
Juan will read a book
María verá la televisión
María will watch TV
List Of +30 Spanish Verbs Ending In -ER
Here is a list of +30 Spanish verbs ending in -ER. It’s funny but there are few regular verbs with this ending since many of them are irregular! But with this list, you can practice the regular conjugations, memorize them, and add them to your vocabulary.
Spanish | English |
Absorber | Absorb |
Acceder | Access |
Aprehender | Apprehend |
Barrer | Sweep |
Ceder | Yield |
Cometer | Commit |
Comprender | Understand |
Comprometer | Compromise |
Conceder | Concede |
Corresponder | Correspond |
Corromper | Corrupt |
Coser | Sew |
Deber | Duty |
Depender | Depend |
Emprender | Undertake |
Esconder | Hide |
Exceder | Exceed |
Interceder | Intercede |
Lamer | Lick |
Leer | Read |
Meter | Put |
Prender | Turn on |
Pretender | Pretend |
Proceder | Proceed |
Prometer | Promise |
Repeler | Repel |
Responder | Respond |
Retroceder | Backtrack |
Romper | Break |
Socorrer | Help |
Someter | Submit |
Sorprender | Surprise |
Suceder | Succeed |
Suspender | Suspend |
Tejer | Weave |
Temer | Fear |
Toser | Cough |
Vender | Sell |

Learn Spanish With Native Teachers!
Hone your skills in conjugating Spanish verbs, including common ER verbs and irregular verbs, with the support of native speakers. Experience the Spanish language in its richest form through a free 1:1 class today or sign up for a 7-day trial of group lessons trial with SpanishVIP, ensuring efficient and effective learning.
Native Spanish teachers can help you understand intricate aspects of the language like the infinitive form, regular ER verbs, and the appropriate verb ending. They can guide you through mastering the use of the Spanish language, including irregular verb forms and verb endings.
Don’t put off your Spanish journey. With SpanishVIP’s proven teaching methods, you’ll quickly gain a firm grasp on the infinitive form, conquer common ER verbs twice over, and comprehend the structure of the regular ER verb. Begin today and enhance your proficiency in the Spanish language in no time.
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