If you’re interested in learning more about Spanish-speaking culture, Frida Kahlo is a figure you absolutely need to know about. Frida Kahlo was a Mexican artist, feminist icon, and surrealist who lived from 1907 to 1954. She gained recognition for her artworks that delve into themes of agony, reality, and destiny.
Her life was extraordinary and filled with hardship. Despite her relatively short career—she passed away at the age of 47—her paintings are instantly recognizable, offering a glimpse into her deeply introspective and tumultuous life.
Frida discovered her talent while confined to a hospital bed after suffering a severe spinal injury in a bus accident. Many of her early works were self-portraits. Her art and life journey symbolize the struggle for self-empowerment and the determination to overcome adversity.
Frida Kahlo’s quotes are perfect for those seeking motivation, inspiration, and self-esteem. They reflect her relentless effort to demonstrate the inner strength that people possess. Below, you’ll find the best Frida Kahlo quotes in Spanish, along with their English translations.
What Was Frida Kahlo’s Most Famous Quote?
Frida Kahlo’s most famous quote is often considered to be: “Pies, para qué los quiero si tengo alas para volar.”
Translation: “Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?”
This quote encapsulates Frida’s resilient spirit and her ability to rise above her physical limitations and pain. It reflects her determination to pursue her dreams and creativity despite the many challenges she faced in life. The quote has become a symbol of empowerment and self-liberation.
12 Frida Kahlo Quotes About Love In Spanish
Frida Kahlo, known for her passionate and introspective nature, often reflected on love in her art and words. Her quotes about love reveal deep emotions, vulnerability, and a profound understanding of the complexities of relationships. What did Frida Kahlo say about love? Explore her most poignant thoughts on love in Spanish.
1. No quiero un amor a medias, rasgado y partido por la mitad. He luchado y sufrido tanto que me merezco algo entero, intenso, indestructible.
I don’t want a half love, torn and split in half. I have fought and suffered so much that I deserve something whole, intense, indestructible.
2. Lo quise hasta que mi dignidad dijo: no es para tanto.
I loved him until my dignity said: he is not that big of a deal.
3. Yo le duro lo que usted me cuide, yo le hablo como usted me trate y le creo lo que usted me demuestra.
I will stay with you as long as you take care of me, I talk to you as you treat me and I believe in what you show me.
4. Y una cosa puedo jurar: yo, que me enamoré de tus alas, jamás te las voy a querer cortar.
And one thing I can swear: I, who fell in love with your wings, will never want to cut them off.
5. Dame ilusión, esperanza, ganas de vivir y no me olvides.
Give me illusion, hope, desire to live, and don’t forget me.
The Spanish language has the remarkable quality to express love in different shades since it not only employs adjectives but also simple verb conjugation modifications to alter the overall of a statement. Click in and learn the language with some of the most romantic poems in Spanish we gathered for you.
6. Quisiera darte todo lo que nunca hubieras tenido, y ni así sabrías la maravilla que es poder quererte.
I would like to give you everything you would never have had, and even then you would not know how wonderful it is to be able to love you.
7. Si yo pudiera darte una cosa en la vida, me gustaría darte la capacidad de verte a ti mismo a través de mis ojos. Sólo entonces te darás cuenta de lo especial que eres para mí.
If I could give you one thing in life, I would like to give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Only then will you realize how special you are to me.
8. Te amo más que a mi propia piel.
I love you more than my own skin.
9. Te mereces un amante que te haga sentir segura, que haga desaparecer el mundo si camina de tu mano, alguien que cree que sus abrazos son el mejor complemento de tu piel.
You deserve a lover who makes you feel safe, who makes the world disappear if he walks hand in hand with you, someone who believes his hugs are the best complement to your skin.
10. ¿Se pueden inventar verbos? Quiero decirte uno: yo te cielo, así mis alas se extienden enormes para amarte sin medida… somos de la misma materia, de las mismas ondas…
Can verbs be invented? I want to tell you one: I heaven you, so my wings spread huge to love you without measure… we are of the same matter, of the same waves…
11. Donde no puedas amar, no te demores.
Where you cannot love, do not delay.
12. Escoge una persona que te mire como si quizás fueras magia.
Choose a person who looks at you as if you were magic.
Frida Kahlo was not her name until she was 28 years old. The name her mother and father gave her at birth was Magdalena Carmen Frieda Kahlo. But, in 1937 she changed her name from Frieda to Frida. Thus was born the name we all know.
7 Frida Kahlo Empowering Quotes In Spanish
1. Cada tic-tac es un segundo de la vida que pasa, huye, y no se repite. Y hay en ella tanta intensidad, tanto interés, que el problema es sólo saberla vivir. Que cada uno lo resuelva como pueda.
Each tick-tocks is a second of life that passes, flees, and does not repeat itself. And there is so much intensity in it, so much interest, that the problem is only knowing how to live it. Let each one solve it as they can.
2. Al final del día, podemos aguantar mucho más de lo que pensamos que podemos.
At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can.
3. El mundo es de quien nace para conquistarlo y no de quien sueña que puede conquistarlo.
The world belongs to those who are born to conquer it and not to those who dream that they can conquer it.
4. Si actúas como si supieras lo que estás haciendo, puedes hacer lo que quieras.
If you act like you know what you’re doing, you can do whatever you want.
5. No dejes que le dé sed al árbol del que eres sol.
Do not let the tree of which you are the sun get thirsty.
6. El hombre es dueño de su destino y su destino es la Tierra, y él mismo la está destruyendo hasta quedarse sin destino.
Man is the master of his destiny and his destiny is the Earth, and he himself is destroying it until he is left with no destiny.
7. No hay nada más hermoso que la risa.
There is nothing more beautiful than laughter.

7 Self-Love Frida Kahlo Quotes In Spanish
1. Pinto autorretratos porque estoy mucho tiempo sola. Me pinto a mí misma porque soy a quien mejor conozco.
I paint self-portraits because I spend a lot of time alone. I paint myself because I know myself best.
2. Enamórate de ti. De la vida. Y luego de quien tú quieras.
Fall in love with yourself. In love with life. And then with whoever you want.
3. Nunca pinto sueños o pesadillas. Pinto mi propia realidad.
I never paint dreams or nightmares. I paint my own reality.
4. Tan absurdo y fugaz es nuestro paso por este mundo, que solo me deja tranquila el saber que he sido auténtica, que he logrado ser lo más parecido a mi misma.
So absurd and fleeting is our passage through this world, that it only leaves me at peace to know that I have been authentic, that I have managed to be as close to myself as possible.
5. La parte más importante del cuerpo es el cerebro. De mi rostro me gustan mis cejas y mis ojos.
The most important part of the body is the brain. Of my face, I like my eyebrows and my eyes.
6. No estoy enferma. Estoy rota. Pero estoy feliz de vivir mientras pueda pintar.
I am not sick. I am broken. But I am happy to live as long as I can paint.
7. Yo solía pensar que era la persona más extraña en el mundo, pero luego pensé, hay mucha gente así en el mundo, tiene que haber alguien como yo, que se sienta bizarra y dañada de la misma forma en que yo me siento.
I used to think I was the strangest person in the world, but then I thought, there are a lot of people like that in the world, there has to be someone like me, who feels bizarre and damaged the way I feel.
Thinking of visiting Mexico? Don’t do it without first reading our Mexico Travel Guide!
6 Frida Kahlo Feminist Quotes In Spanish
1. Era una flor solitaria, mariposa gozosa te posaste ahí; después el polen de otra flor más fragante llamó, y la mariposa voló.
It was a solitary flower, a joyful butterfly you landed there; then the pollen of another more fragrant flower called, and the butterfly flew away.
2. La belleza y la fealdad son un espejismo, porque los demás terminan viendo siempre nuestro interior.
Beauty and ugliness are a mirage, because others always end up seeing our inner self.
3. Sigo mal y seguiré peor, pero voy aprendiendo a estar sola y eso ya es una ventaja y un pequeño futuro.
I am still bad and will continue to be worse, but I am learning to be alone and that is already an advantage and a small future.
4. Todas las mujeres estamos locas, así que escoge una loca que te haga feliz.
All women are crazy, so choose a crazy one that makes you happy.
5. Las únicas mujeres que valen realmente la pena, son aquellas que si quieren la luna, se las bajan ellas solas.
The only women who are really worth it are those who, if they want the moon, they’ll take it down themselves.
6. Tenemos que ser honestas, nosotras las mujeres no podemos vivir sin dolor.
We have to be honest, we women can’t live without pain.
Frida Kahlo is the most expensive Latin American artist. In 2019, her work Diego and I (1949), was sold bySotheby’s auction house in New York for 34.9 million US dollars. This positioned her as the Latin American artist with the most expensive painting, above Diego Rivera whose work Two Nudes in the Forest was valued at 7.79 million dollars.
7 Frida Kahlo Sad Quotes In Spanish
1. Pinto flores para que así no mueran.
I paint flowers so that they don’t die.
2. Quise ahogar mis penas en licor, pero las condenadas aprendieron a nadar.
I wanted to drown my sorrows in liquor, but the condemned learned to swim.
3. Dolor, placer y muerte no son más que el proceso de la existencia. La lucha revolucionaria en este proceso es una puerta abierta a la inteligencia.
Pain, pleasure and death are nothing more than the process of existence. The revolutionary struggle in this process is an open door to intelligence.
4. Muchas veces en el dolor se encuentran los placeres más profundos, las verdades más complejas, la felicidad más certera.
Many times in pain are found the deepest pleasures, the most complex truths, the most certain happiness.
5. ¿Qué haría yo sin lo absurdo y lo fugaz?
What would I do without the absurd and the fleeting?
6. Tan absurdo y fugaz es nuestro paso por este mundo, que solo me deja tranquila el saber que he sido auténtica, que he logrado ser lo más parecida a mi misma.
So absurd and fleeting is our passage through this world, that it only leaves me calm to know that I have been authentic, that I have managed to be as close to myself as possible.
7. Amurallar el propio sufrimiento es arriesgarte a que te devore desde el interior.
To wall off one’s own suffering is to risk it devouring you from the inside.

Learn Spanish, Frida Kahlo’s native language!
Frida Kahlo’s quotes in Spanish can change your life and you can learn Spanish too! Imagine yourself in Mexico visiting Frida’s birthplace speaking her native language. Make your experiences and connections more meaningful today.
Learning Spanish vocabulary can open doors to Hispanic culture and make it easier for you to travel to Spanish-speaking places. When you make it your mission to master Spanish as a second language, you’re getting closer to a new culture and important personalities such as Frida Kahlo. Hispanic culture is full of vibrant colors, tasty food, impressive art, fun festivities, and new adventures.
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