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How To Say Good Night In Spanish (50+ Expressions)

Sleeping is one of the most amazing activities performed by the human body, as it not only helps us to replenish our strength and optimize our brain functions, but also makes us feel refreshed, and let’s face it, many of us like to sleep! and we always want “5 more minutes” to sleep.

Wishing someone good night in Spanish is a polite greeting or farewell that expresses respect for the other person and is also part of manners, so it is an essential part of our vocabulary. And if you are studying another language, it is one of the main things you should learn, especially if it is Spanish, where it is so used.

But there are many other ways to say “good night”, depending on the situation and the person you are talking to. Phrases that will make you sound like a native speaker of the Spanish language

In this article, you will learn to say “good night” in Spanish, some alternatives, spanish vocabulary for night and other phrases related to sleep.  Every native speaker will surely appreciate it if you wish him or her a good night’s sleep.

How To Say Good Night in Spanish

Good night in Spanish is as simple as buenas noches.

Buenas is the feminine plural form of the adjective bueno, meaning “good” and “noches” means “evenings” and is a feminine noun. Therefore, we get “buenas noches”.

Buenas noches is okay for any social situation to say good night or goodbye and you also use this phrase to greet someone at night. You don’t have to worry about the conjugation as it doesn’t exist here. 


Why say “buenas noches” if there is only one night? In Spanish, there is a type of plural called “expressive plural”. This is a plural that does not denote quantity, but intensity.

For example: buenos días (good morning), buenas tardes (good evening), gracias (thanks), mis condolencias (my condolences), saludos (greetings).

Different Ways To Say “Good Night” In Spanish

In Spanish, there are lots of other ways to say the same idea when it is late or you are going to go to sleep, so if you don’t want to be boring and just say “good night” try one of these ways to give it a more personalized touch.

    1. Que tenga buenas noches / Que pases buenas noches

This is a fairly simple but longer way of saying good night in Spanish and translates to “have a good night”. Que tengas buenas noches and Que pases buenas noches mean the same thing. To address a group of people, you may say que pasen buenas noches

Both mean the same thing.

    2. Dulces sueños 

A slightly more delicate and cute way of wishing buenas noches, as you are wishing the other person to have “sweet dreams”. Another way to say “sweet dreams” is que tengas dulces sueños (have sweet dreams).

    3. Descansa / Que descanses 

Both forms mean the same thing and are used to say goodbye just as the other person is going to sleep, and wish the other person a good night’s rest (i.e., a good night’s sleep). You can also say que duermas bien. It means the same.

   4. Hasta mañana / Nos vemos mañana

It is used to say goodbye when you are not going to see the other person until the next day. It is very common to use at work, school or at home. It means “see you tomorrow”.

    5. Que sueñes con los angelitos

In Spanish this phrase is often used, especially to wish children buenas noches. It literally translates “I hope you dream with little angels”. It is a very tender way to wish good night in Spanish and can be used in the same context as que tengas dulces sueños.

    6. Feliz noche

Another way to wish good night, but a little more formal. It is used to say goodbye and translates as “happy night” and it is not about a night of partying or fun, but it is the same as saying buenas noches but with a more formal touch.

    7. Felices sueños 

It is similar to feliz noche and is used in an informal context, wishing the other person happy dreams.

Woman smiling while using her phone in bed
Image by gpointstudio via Freepik

Flirty Good Night In Spanish

If you want to wish your Spanish-speaking crush buenas noches, don’t be left behind and try these phrases. Spanish speakers are quite loving and flirtatious, and they will appreciate it if you wish them good night in a flirtatious way too (as long as you know that your love is reciprocated). 

For the first option, just add some affectionate nickname. Let’s see some examples. 

Spanish English 
Buenas noches, mi amor Good night, my love
Buenas noches, hermosa  Good night, beautiful
Buenas noches, cariño Good night, honey
Buenas noches, mi corazón Good night, my heart
Buenas noches bebe  Good night, baby
Buenas noches, mi corazón Good night, my heart
Buenas noches, guapo Good night, handsome
Buenas noches, princesa Good night, princess
Buenas noches, príncipe Good night, prince


The second option is a bit more flirty, and we mean it, they are flirty! Use them wisely.

Spanish English 
Sueña conmigo Dream with me
Descansa, que cuando duermas conmigo no lo harás Rest, when you sleep with me, you won’t
Soñaré contigo I’ll dream of you
Envíame una foto antes de dormir Send me a picture before you sleep


Phrases In Spanish for when you are sleepy

Now, it is time to learn not only how to say good night but how to say that you are going to sleep or that you are sleepy. In Spanish, there are many ways to express this. 

Let’s see here the most common ones.

Spanish English 
Tengo sueño I’m sleepy
Es hora de acostarse It’s bedtime 
Muero de sueño I’m super tired (literally: I’m dying of sleep)
No puedo dormir I can’t sleep
Me estoy quedando dormido I’m falling asleep
¿Tienes una cobija? Do you have a blanket?
¿Tuviste una buena noche? Did you have a good night?
¿Cómo dormiste? How did you sleep?
¿Soñaste? Did you have a dream?
¿A qué hora te dormiste? What time did you fall asleep?
Me voy a poner la pijama I’m going to put on my pajamas
Necesito descansar I need to rest
Tuve una pesadilla I had a nightmare
¿Tuviste una pesadilla? Did you have a nightmare?
Tus ronquidos no me dejaron dormir Your snoring kept me awake (literally: your snoring didn’t let me to sleep)
Ve a dormir  Go to sleep
Me voy a la cama I’m going to bed
Vamos a la cama Let’s go to bed
Un baño y a la cama. A bath and to bed. 
Nos vemos por la mañana. See you in the morning.
Bocadillo de medianoche Midnight snack
¿Me despiertas temprano por la mañana? Can you wake me up early in the morning?
¿Tienes sueño? Are you sleepy?
Estoy cansado / cansada I’m tired
¿Ya te quieres dormir? Do you want to sleep?
Man holding a pillow and smiling
Image by karlyukav via Freepik

Night and Sleeping Vocabulary in Spanish

Now we must learn some words related to night and sleep in Spanish, to expand our vocabulary so that talking about sleep is not a problem for you. Let’s see!

Spanish English 
Soñar To dream
Cena Dinner
Pijama Pajamas
Cama Bed
Almohada Pillow
Cobija Blanket
Peluche Plush
Acostarse Liying down
Descansar To rest
Pesadilla Nightmare

How To Say Good Night In Spanish Slang

Of course, in Spanish, there are also very funny and unique ways of saying buenas noches or me voy a dormir (good night or “I’m going to sleep”). Here are some of them.

    1. Este osito de peluche se va para su estuche

Translate ” This Teddy Bear is going to his case” and it means that you are going to sleep. In this context, you are the teddy bear and the case is the bed. It’s quite funny and a different way of saying you’re going to sleep.

    2. Me voy al sobre

Same as above, the “sobre” is the bed. It translates as “I’m going back to the envelope” as if you were a product going back into its packaging.

     3. Me voy al baile de las sábanas blancas 

That phrase means that you are going to curl up in the bed sheets, as if sleeping is a dance with the sheets, as it translates as “I’m going to the white sheets dance.”

 If you learn how to say “good night” in Spanish, remember to also learn how to say “good day”. So don’t hesitate to learn How to Say “Good Day” in Spanish Just Like a Native!

Are You Ready To Say Buenas Noches?

Now that you have read this article you can start having conversations about the weekend in Spanish. Wishing your friends or coworkers a good weekend makes you a much more well-mannered person and can be worth much more than a simple goodbye. With any of the phrases you have learned here, you can start practicing your Spanish language skills! 

So now that you know the different ways to wish “good weekend” it’s time to start using them! Just keep in mind that you can use them whenever you are going to say goodbye in Spanish to someone you won’t be seeing again during the weekend. 

Remember to check out our different Spanish blogs that will help you in your daily interactions thanks to widely used content that will help you get along better during the day with your Spanish-speaking friends! 

And if you want to start formalizing your language learning, remember that the best way is to do it with professional native teachers who will help you make your learning process much easier, faster, and more effective. 

Start today by trying a free 1:1 class or free 7 days of group classes and discover why the SpanishVIP methodology is so successful for hundreds of students!



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