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Household Items in Spanish: Vocabulary List

Imagine for a moment: You’re exploring the bustling streets of Buenos Aires. Someone invites you into their home. As you converse, you want to discuss common household items, but the words escape you! Well, let’s avoid that awkward silence. Whether you’re in Spain or any other Spanish-speaking region, knowing the vocabulary for common items in a casa (house) can be quite handy.

With a plethora of words and phrases, it’s like learning the ingredients of a delicious paella: intricate but deeply rewarding. Our Dedicated Teachers and Student Success Advisors here at SpanishVIP have your back! Ready to expand your Spanish vocabulary and speak about household items with confidence? Let’s dive in!

A Room-by-Room Guide to Household Items in Spanish

La Sala (Living Room)

A place where families gather, watch TV and spend quality time. Some common items in the living room include:

Spanish  English 
La mesa Table
Las cortinas Curtains
La lámpara Lamp
La silla  Chair
El sofá Sofa or Couch
La alfombra Rug or Carpet
El estante Shelf
La televisión TV (Television)
El reproductor de música Music Player
El cojín Cushion or Pillow


In many Latin American countries, “la sala” refers to the living room, the central gathering place in the house. But if you’re in Spain, you might hear “el salón” used more frequently. Both words capture the essence of a place where families come together to relax and share moments.

La Cocina (Kitchen)

Ah, la cocina! A haven for all food enthusiasts. Next time you’re whipping up some tapas, remember these words:

Spanish  English 
La nevera / El refrigerador Refrigerator
El horno Oven
La estufa / El fogón El fogón – Stove
El microondas Microwave
El fregadero Sink
La encimera / El mostrador El mostrador – Countertop
La alacena Pantry
El lavavajillas Dishwasher
La taza Mug or Cup
El vaso Glass
El plato  Plate
La cucharilla / La cucharita Teaspoon
La cuchara Spoon
El cuchillo Knife
El tenedor Fork
La olla Pot
La sartén Frying pan or Skillet
El batidor Whisk
La licuadora  Blender
La cafetera  Coffee maker


And if you’re in Spain, you might hear “el enchufe” a lot. It means the electrical socket, essential for plugging in that blender for your gazpacho! But when you step into la cocina in Mexico, you might find an essential item called “la tortilladora,” used to make tortillas. Meanwhile, in Spain, a staple in many kitchens is the “paellera,” a pan specifically designed to make the famous paella.

Modern living room with blue decor and open kitchen
Image by Kenny Eliason via Unsplash

El Cuarto de Baño (Bathroom)

Hygiene is vital! And so is knowing what things are called in el baño. Some must-know items include:

Spanish  English 
El inodoro / La taza Toilet
El lavabo Sink or Washbasin
La ducha Shower
La bañera Bathtub
El grifo Faucet or Tap
El espejo Mirror
El cepillo de dientes Toothbrush
La pasta de dientes Toothpaste
La toalla Towel
El rollo de papel higiénico Toilet paper roll
La jabonera Soap dish
El jabón Soap
El champú Shampoo
El acondicionador Conditioner
La alfombrilla Bath mat
El secador de pelo Hair dryer
El enchufe Outlet or Plug
La cortina de ducha  Shower curtain


No, your eyes aren’t deceiving you! The language does have some repeating words that have different meanings in other contexts. For example, while “el enchufe” in la cocina is for your mixer, in el cuarto de baño, it’s for your hair dryer. Cool, right?

Now, if you’re thinking, “This is a bunch of words”, don’t fret! As with any language, practice makes perfect. The more you immerse yourself in the language, the more household items in Spanish will become second nature.

We’ll dive into more rooms and their items in the next section. Exciting, isn’t it? And if you’re ever unsure, remember: our Dedicated Teachers are here to guide you every step of the way.


In many Spanish-speaking regions, “el baño” can also mean the toilet itself or can be used to refer to the need to use the restroom. Language sure has its quirks!

El Dormitorio (Bedroom)

The sanctuary where we rest and dream. In El Dormitorio, you’ll find:

Spanish  English 
La cama Bed
La almohada Pillow
El edredón / La colcha Sheet
La sábana Comforter or Quilt
La manta Blanket
El armario / El ropero Wardrobe or Closet
La mesita de noche Nightstand or Bedside table
La lámpara Lamp
El espejo Mirror
El cajón Drawer
La cómoda Dresser or Chest of drawers
La alfombra Rug or Carpet
El reloj despertador Alarm clock
La ventana Window
Las cortinas Curtains
El perchero Clothes rack or Stand
La silla Chair
El cuadro / La pintura Painting or Picture frame


Ever heard the term “snooze the alarm clock”? In Spanish, you’d be reaching for “el despertador”. And that chest of drawers where you keep your clothes? It’s called “la cómoda”.

Cozy bedroom with a lit bedside lamp
Image by Christopher Jolly via Unsplash

El Jardín (Garden)

For those with a green thumb, the garden is a peaceful retreat. Some useful words for el jardín include:

Spanish  English 
La flor Flower
El árbol Tree
El césped / La grama Lawn or Grass
El arbusto Shrub or Bush
La maceta Flowerpot
El rosal Rose bush
La pala Shovel
El rastrillo Rake
La manguera Hose
El estanque Pond
La fuente Fountain
El banco Bench
La hamaca Hammock
El invernadero Greenhouse
Las semillas Seeds
El abono / El fertilizante Fertilizer


From cultivating beautiful flowers to enjoying a relaxing evening under the stars, “el jardín” offers a rejuvenating space in any home. Knowing these terms in Spanish can truly enrich your gardening experience, allowing you to share your passion with fellow gardening enthusiasts from Spanish-speaking cultures.

It’s essential to remember that while household items in Spanish have common terms, regional variations exist. Just like “soda” and “pop” in English, some words differ based on where you are. That’s the beauty of learning Spanish: it’s not just about words, but about culture, people, and the stories they tell.

Beyond The Basics: Nuances in Vocabulary

The Power of Context in Spanish

Spanish, like many languages, is rich in synonyms and words that carry different meanings in other contexts. The word “el cuarto” can mean a bedroom, but it’s also a generic term for any room. So, if someone says they left their “cepillo de dientes” in “el cuarto”, you might need to ask a follow-up question to know which room they’re referring to.

The Influence of Regional Variations

If you’re in Buenos Aires and you ask for a “straw”, you’d say “sorbete”. But in Spain, it’s “pajita”. Just as “el ático” can mean both an attic and a top-floor apartment, regional variations in vocabulary are a testament to the rich tapestry of Spanish-speaking cultures around the world.


While “Ventana” means window, “ventanilla” refers to a smaller window or even a service window, like at a bank or ticket counter

Incorporating Household Vocabulary in Daily Practice

The beauty of learning household items in Spanish is that you’re surrounded by a practice environment daily! Here’s how to make the most of it:

  • Label Everything: Stick post-it notes on items with their Spanish names.
  • Talk to Yourself: Narrate what you’re doing. Making coffee? Say the steps in Spanish.
  • Practice with Friends: Have a Spanish-only dinner where you can only use Spanish vocabulary.
Modern living room with a red armchair
Image by deborah cortelazzi via Pixabay

Making Learning Fun and Effective

Navigating the rooms and items of a casa doesn’t have to be daunting. With the right tools, guidance, and a sprinkle of fun, you’ll be speaking about household items in Spanish like a local in no time. And remember, every word you learn opens up a new door (or should we say, “puerta”?) to deeper conversations and connections.

Ready to take your Spanish to the next level? Dive deeper into the world of Spanish with SpanishVIP. You can start with a free 1:1 class or enjoy free 7 days of group classes. Our Dedicated Teachers and Student Success Advisors are eager to embark on this journey with you.

Hasta luego, amigos!

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