Think of a phrase that can make hearts flutter and faces blush – ‘You are beautiful’ is undoubtedly one of them. This universal expression of admiration isn’t just for lovers; it’s a delightful way to compliment anyone — from family and friends to our furry companions, or even the everyday objects that catch our eye. The allure of beauty transcends all boundaries, whether they’re linguistic or geographic.
Spanish, with its rich variety and expressive nuances, offers a multitude of ways to deliver this compliment. With SpanishVIP, you’re about to embark on a linguistic journey, unveiling the various ways to express ‘you’re beautiful’ in the language that rolls off the tongue as beautifully as the compliment itself.
Ready for a sneak peek? One common way to say ‘You’re beautiful’ in Spanish is ‘Eres Hermosa.’ But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Read on to discover more captivating ways to compliment beauty in Spanish!
All translations of “Beautiful”
Many words can mean “beautiful” in Spanish, you can use these as terms of endearment, and even pet names!
- Hermoso.
- Precioso.
- Lindo.
- Bello.
- Bonito.
- Divino.
- Guapo.
However, these adjectives have masculine and feminine gender, so here we will give you a table that distinguishes these words in their respective gender.
Masculine | Feminine |
Hermoso | Hermosa |
Precioso | Preciosa |
Lindo | Linda |
Bello | Bella |
Bonito | Bonita |
Divino | Divina |
Guapo | Guapa |
Interestingly, it’s much more common to use and hear the feminine adjectives of these words than the masculine ones, as these compliments are typically directed toward women. Knowing how to compliment effectively in Spanish can be a real game changer, especially if you’re interested in the world of dating or making connections in Spanish-speaking cultures. If you’re curious about more creative ways to impress, don’t miss our guide on the most charming Spanish pickup lines.
The Expression “Hermoso/a”
This word is the one that most resembles “beautiful”. You can pronounce this word like this: ehr-moh-soh / ehr-moh-sah.
Know how to say some expressions with the word “hermoso” with the masculine gender:
- Eres hermoso. (Informal way without “you”) – eh-res – ehr-moh-soh.
- Tú eres hermoso. (Informal way) – too – eh-res – ehr-moh-soh.
- Usted es hermoso. (Formal way) – oos-tehd – ehs – ehr-moh-soh.
- Sos hermoso. (Informal way in Argentina/Uruguay without “you”) – sohs – ehr-moh-soh.
- Vos sos hermoso. (Informal way in Argentina/Uruguay) – bohs – sohs – ehr-moh-soh.
How to say some expressions with the word “Hermosa” with the feminine gender:
- Eres hermosa. (Informal way without “you”) – eh-res – ehr – moh – sah.
- Tú eres hermosa. (Informal way) – too – eh-res – ehr – moh – sah.
- Usted es hermosa. (Formal way) – oos-tehd – ehs – ehr-moh-sah.
- Sos hermosa. (Informal way in Argentina/Uruguay without “you”) – sohs – ehr-moh-sah.
- Vos sos hermosa. (Informal way in Argentina/Uruguay) – bohs – sohs – ehr-moh-sah.
The Expression “Precioso/a”
It also has the meaning of “precious”, which means that something is very valuable, but Spanish speakers often use it with the meaning of “beautiful”. You can pronounce this word like this: preh-syoh-soh / preh-syoh-sah.
Know how to say some expressions with the word “precioso” with the masculine gender:
- Eres precioso. (Informal way without “you”) – eh-res – preh-syoh-soh.
- Tú eres precioso. (Informal way) – too – eh-res – preh-syoh-soh.
- Usted es precioso. (Formal way) – oos-tehd – ehs – preh-syoh-soh.
- Sos precioso. (Informal way in Argentina/Uruguay without “you”) – sohs – preh-syoh-soh.
- Vos sos precioso. (Informal way in Argentina/Uruguay) – bohs – sohs – preh-syoh-soh.
How to say some expressions with the word “preciosa” with the feminine gender:
- Eres preciosa. (Informal way without “you”) – eh-res – preh-syoh-sah.
- Tú eres preciosa. (Informal way) – too – eh-res – preh-syoh-sah.
- Usted es preciosa. (Formal way) – oos-tehd – ehs – preh-syoh-sah.
- Sos preciosa. (Informal way in Argentina/Uruguay without “you”) – sohs – preh-syoh-sah.
- Vos sos preciosa. (Informal way in Argentina/Uruguay) – bohs – sohs – preh-syoh-sah.
The expression “Lindo/a”
Let’s look at the expression ‘Lindo/a’. This versatile term can mean ‘nice’ and is often used to compliment someone’s physical attractiveness or charming personality. It’s pronounced as leen-doh / leen-dah. And here’s a little insider tip – ‘Lindo/a’ can also make for an endearing couple nickname in Spanish.
Know how to say some expressions with the word “lindo” with the masculine gender:
- Eres lindo. (Informal way without “you”) – eh-res – leen-doh.
- Tú eres lindo. (Informal way) – too – eh-res – leen-doh.
- Usted es lindo. (Formal way) – oos-tehd – ehs – leen-doh.
- Sos lindo. (Informal way in Argentina/Uruguay without “you”) – sohs – leen-doh.
- Vos sos lindo. (Informal way in Argentina/Uruguay) – bohs – sohs – leen-doh.
How to say some expressions with the word “Linda” with the feminine gender:
- Eres linda. (Informal way without “you”) – eh-res – leen-dah.
- Tú eres linda. (Informal way) – too – eh-res – leen-dah.
- Usted es linda. (Formal way) – oos-tehd – ehs – leen-dah.
- Sos linda. (Informal way in Argentina/Uruguay without “you”) – sohs – leen-dah.
- Vos sos linda. (Informal way in Argentina/Uruguay) – bohs – sohs – leen-dah.
The expression “Bello/a”

“Bello” is another word whose literal translation is “beautiful”. You can pronounce this word like this: beh-yoh / beh-yah.
- Eres bello. (Informal way without “you”) – eh-res – beh-yoh.
- Tú eres bello. (Informal way) – too – eh-res – beh-yoh.
- Usted es bello. (Formal way) – oos-tehd – ehs – beh-yoh.
- Sos bello. (Informal way in Argentina/Uruguay without “you”) – sohs – beh-yoh.
- Vos sos bello. (Informal way in Argentina/Uruguay) – bohs – sohs – beh-yoh.
How to say some expressions with the word “Bella” with the feminine gender:
- Eres bella. (Informal way without “you”) – eh-res – beh-yah.
- Tú eres bella. (Informal way) – too – eh-res – beh-yah.
- Usted es bella. (Formal way) – oos-tehd – ehs – beh-yah.
- Sos bella. (Informal way in Argentina/Uruguay without “you”) – sohs – beh-yah.
- Vos sos bella. (Informal way in Argentina/Uruguay) – bohs – sohs – beh-yah.
The Expression “Bonito/a”
This word could also mean “pretty”. You can pronounce this word like this: boh-nee-toh / boh-nee-tah.
Know how to say some expressions with the word “bonito” with the masculine gender:
- Eres bonito. (Informal way without “you”) – eh-res – boh-nee-toh.
- Tú eres bonito. (Informal way) – too – eh-res – boh-nee-toh.
- Usted es bonito. (Formal way) – oos-tehd – ehs – boh-nee-toh.
- Sos bonito. (Informal way in Argentina/Uruguay without “you”) – sohs – boh-nee-toh.
- Vos sos bonito. (Informal way in Argentina/Uruguay) – bohs – sohs – boh-nee-toh.
How to say some expressions with the word “Bonita” with the feminine gender:
- Eres bonita. (Informal way without “you”) – eh-res – boh-nee-tah.
- Tú eres bonita. (Informal way) – too – eh-res – boh-nee-tah.
- Usted es bonita. (Formal way) – oos-tehd – ehs – boh-nee-tah.
- Sos bonita. (Informal way in Argentina/Uruguay without “you”) – sohs – boh-nee-tah.
- Vos sos bonita. (Informal way in Argentina/Uruguay) – bohs – sohs – boh-nee-tah.
The Expression “Divino/a”
This word can also have the meaning of “divine” depending on the context. You can pronounce this word like this: dee-bee-noh / dee-bee-nah.
Know how to say some expressions with the word “Divino” with the masculine gender:
- Eres divino. (Informal way without “you”) – eh-res – dee-bee-noh.
- Tú eres divino. (Informal way) – too – eh-res – dee-bee-noh.
- Usted es divino. (Formal way) – oos-tehd – ehs – dee-bee-noh.
- Sos divino. (Informal way in Argentina/Uruguay without “you”) – sohs – dee-bee-noh.
- Vos sos divino. (Informal way in Argentina/Uruguay) – bohs – sohs – dee-bee-noh.
How to say some expressions with the word “Divina” with the feminine gender:
- Eres divina. (Informal way without “you”) – eh-res – dee-bee-nah.
- Tú eres divina. (Informal way) – too – eh-res – dee-bee-nah.
- Usted es divina. (Formal way) – oos-tehd – ehs – dee-bee-nah.
- Sos divina. (Informal way in Argentina/Uruguay without “you”) – sohs – dee-bee-nah.
- Vos sos divina. (Informal way in Argentina/Uruguay) – bohs – sohs – dee-bee-nah.
Another word that is widely used in Spanish-speaking countries, although to a lesser extent compared to the previous expressions, is “apuesta”, which can mean “good looking” or “handsome” in English, and in Spanish, it is usually said mainly to men. Even, the word “apuesta” (feminine assumption of “apuesto”) means something different (bet), so the word that could be used for a female person is “atractiva” (attractive).
Plural ways to say “you are beautiful” in Spanish

Although the word “beautiful” is used to refer to one or more people, in Spanish there is a plural way of saying each of these words. Below we will leave you a list that summarizes the plural form of each of these adjectives.
Masculine plural | Feminine plural |
Hermosos | Hermosas |
Preciosos | Preciosas |
Lindos | Lindas |
Bellos | Bellas |
Bonitos | Bonitas |
Divinos | Divinas |
Some examples of each of these plural expressions with the personal pronoun “you” (“Ustedes son” in Latinoamerica / “Vosotros sois” in Spain) are:
- Ustedes son hermosos. (oos-ted-ehs – sohn – ehr-moh-sohs) – Vosotros sois hermosos (boh-soh-trohs – soh-ees – ehr-moh-sohs) – You are beautiful.
- Ustedes son preciosos. (oos-ted-ehs – sohn – preh-syoh-sohs) – Vosotros sois preciosos (boh-soh-trohsl – soh-ees – preh-syoh-sohs) – You are beautiful.
- Ustedes son lindos. (oos-ted-ehs – sohn – leen-dohs) – Vosotros sois lindos (boh-soh-trohs – soh-ees – leen-dohs) – You are beautiful.
- Ustedes son bellos. (oos-ted-ehs – sohn – beh-yohs) – Vosotros sois bellos (boh-soh-trohs – soh-ees – beh-yohs) – You are beautiful.
- Ustedes son bonitos. (oos-ted-ehs – sohn – boh-nee-tohs ) – Vosotros sois bonitos (boh-soh-trohs – soh-ees – boh-nee-tohs) – You are beautiful.
- Ustedes son divinos. (oos-ted-ehs – sohn – dee-bee-nohs) – Vosotros sois divinos (boh-soh-trohs – soh-ees – dee-bee-nohs).
Other ways to say “you are beautiful” in Spanish
Using the same words, there are many phrases in Spanish that are very similar to “you are beautiful” and that you can use as a replacement for the phrases that we have shown you above. See them all below:
Phrases to say to a woman:
- Que hermosa eres. – You’re beautiful.
- Eres muy bonita. – You are very cute.
- Cuán bonita eres tú. – How pretty you are!
- Eres demasiado bella. – You are too Beautiful.
- Eres hermosísima. – You are gorgeous.
- Estás muy bella. – You’re so pretty.
- Qué divina te ves. – How divine you look.
- Que guapa que sos. – How beautiful you are.
- Sos preciosa. – You are beautiful.
- Estás muy linda. – You are very pretty.
- Eres preciosa. – You’re beautiful.
- Eres una belleza. – You’re a beauty.
- Sos una lindura. – You are cute.
- Eres guapa. – you’re pretty.
Phrases to say to a man:
- ¡Qué guapo estás! – How handsome you are!
- ¡Sos muy bello! – You are very beautiful!
- ¡Qué lindo eres! – How cute you are!
- ¡Qué simpático sos! – How nice you are!
- ¡Qué hermoso que estás – How beautiful you are!
- ¡Que precioso que sos! – How precious you are!
- ¡Eres divino! – You’re divine!
- ¡Usted es muy lindo! – You are very cute!
All the ways to say “you are beautiful” in every Spanish-speaking country
All latin american countries have different expressions of compliment others, learn how to say “you’re beautiful” in Spanish by trying the following phrases.
Common expressions In México
Exploring the richness of Mexican Spanish, we find a couple of expressions that are widely used to compliment someone’s attractiveness:
- Eres guapísimo. – You are very handsome.
- Eres guapísima. – You are beautiful.
Common expressions In Colombia
In the vibrant land of Colombia, the local slang comes alive with playful and bold compliments:
- Eres un papacito. – You are hot.
- Eres una mamacita. – You are hot.
Common expressions In Argentina
Dive into the expressive and unique Argentine Spanish with these popular phrases:
- Sos re fachero. – You are so beautiful.
- Sos muy fachera. – You are very pretty.
Common expressions In España
In Spain, compliments often highlight not just physical attractiveness but also someone’s pleasant personality:
- Qué majo eres. – How nice you are.
- Qué maja eres. – How nice you are.

In Spanish-speaking countries, the word “super” (super) is usually added before the adjective to enlarge the meaning:
- Estás super hermosa. – You are really beautiful.
- Eres super bello. – You are super beautiful.
- Sos super divino. – You are super divine.
There are also countries where they add the word “re”, which can mean “muy” (very, so, too):
- Estás re bella. – You are so beautiful.
- Eres re preciosa. – You are so beautiful.
- Sos re lindo. – You’re very cute.
On the other hand, the extension “ísimo/ísima” is usually added to several of these adjectives with the same function with which the word “very”, “too” or “so” is used in this context. Some examples are:
- Eres hermosísima. – You are gorgeous.
- Estás preciosísimo. – You are very beautiful.
- Eres bellísima. – You are beautiful.
- Sos lindísimo. – You are very beautiful.
Wrapping up
There are many ways to say ‘You are beautiful’ in Spanish, and it’s vital to be aware that the gender of the adjective changes based on whether you’re addressing a man or a woman. Plus, there’s a distinct way to express this in singular and plural forms. At first glance, it might seem daunting, but once you dig into the Spanish vocabulary and grammar rules, you’ll find a pattern that simplifies learning how to say ‘you are beautiful’ in all these diverse ways.
We hope that you have found this article very interesting and that you have been able to learn all these phrases, adjectives, and vocabulary in Spanish, and if you got here you surely want to learn much more, so we want to give you a free Spanish lesson or instead, a 7-day trial in our group classes, which are excellent opportunities that you can take with SpanishVIP to continue learning and practicing the Spanish language in the most correct and fun way.
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