If you’re looking for the best Spanish captions for Instagram, you’ve come to the right page!
Spanish is the second most used language on social media after English. Having captions for Instagram in Spanish can be a really good way to target native Spanish speakers on social media. So why don’t you try using Spanish Captions for Instagram to connect with the Spanish-speaking public?
Spanish is a loving and passionate language, so Spanish captions for Instagram are the way to go if you are looking to express love or passion in your posts, and also, these Spanish captions for Instagram will help your posts stand out and be well-received by your followers!
We’re going to give you a list of Spanish captions for Instagram you can use including song lyrics, captions for selfies, birthdays, graduations, vacations, and even funny captions!
Feel free to pick your favorite Spanish captions and express your thoughts to the world.
Love Spanish Captions for Instagram
These captions are ideal for the photos you upload with that special person to whom you want to dedicate a space on your social network. Use these phrases wisely to make him or her fall in love even more!
1. “No importa que nos separe la distancia, siempre habrá un mismo cielo que nos una.”
It doesn’t matter that we’re separated by distance, we’re still united under the same sky.
2. “Mi corazón es perfecto porque tú estás dentro de él.”
My heart is perfect because you are in it.
3. “El amor es como el agua que no se seca.”
Love is like water that never dries.
4. “La luna controla las mareas, y tú mi corazón.”
The moon controls the tides, and you control my heart.
5. “Te quiero.”
I love you.
6. “Te quiero hasta el infinito y más allá.”
I love you to infinity and beyond.
7. “Eres el amor de mi vida.”
You are the love of my life.
8. “Fuiste, eres y siempre serás, mi más bonita casualidad.”
You were, are, and always will be my most beautiful coincidence.
9. “Es tan corto el amor y es tan largo el olvido.”
Love is so short and oblivion is so long.
10. “Tu cuerpo era el último país donde me derrotaban.”
Your body was the last country where I was defeated.
Funny Spanish Captions For Instagram
If you are a bit more humorous and fun, these captions are ideal for making your followers smile. Choose the one that makes you laugh the most!
11. “Necesito seis meses de vacaciones, 2 veces al año.”
I need six months of vacation twice a year.
12. “Corre y persigue tus sueños. Si no los alcanzas, al menos harás deporte.”
Run and pursue your dreams. If you don’t reach them, at least you’ll make some exercise.
13. “No hay nada mejor que un amigo, a menos que sea un amigo con chocolate.”
There’s nothing better than a friend unless it is a friend with chocolate.
14. “Algunas veces finjo ser normal, pero me aburro y vuelvo a ser yo mismo.”
Sometimes I pretend to be normal, but I get bored and go back to being myself.
15. “Me gustan los hashtags porque parecen gofres.”
I like hashtags because they look like waffles.
16. “Me gustaría ser normal, pero no me dejan.”
I’d like to be normal, but they won’t let me.
17. “No soy tonto, solo tengo una cara bonita.”
I’m not dumb, I just have a pretty face.
18. “Estudiar me está matando… pero al menos tengo una buena excusa.”
Studying is killing me… but at least I have a good excuse.
19. “Lo siento, no puedo ayudarlo. Estoy ocupado intentando ser normal.”
I’m sorry, I can’t help you. I’m busy trying to be normal.
20. “No me importa lo que digan, yo seguiré bailando.”
I don’t care what they say, I’ll keep dancing.
In Latin America, they use a lot of emojis. Use some emojis to make your posts sound more native!
Baddie Spanish Captions For Instagram
Want to make a bad boy impression on Instagram? These captions might work for you if you’re a little riskier. Pair them with some rock or urban-inspired photos!
21. “Drama es despertarse un domingo a las 5:30 de la mañana en lugar de acostarse”
Drama is waking up on a Sunday at 5:30 in the morning instead of going to bed.
22. “Tu pasado no define tu futuro.”
Your past never defines your future.
23. “No dejes que las pequeñas cosas estropeen tu felicidad.”
Don’t let little stupid things break your happiness.
24. “Mi vida, mis reglas.”
My life, my rules.
25. “No te ignoro, solo te doy la importancia que te mereces.”
I don’t ignore you, I just give you the importance you deserve.
26. “No necesito tus likes como aprobación.”
I don’t need your likes for approval.
27. “No importa lo que digan, yo sé que soy bonita.”
No matter what they say, I know that I am beautiful.
28. “Nunca dejes que nadie te diga quien eres o lo que puedes hacer.”
Never let anyone tell you who you are or what you can do.
29. “Nadie tiene el poder de cambiar quién soy y lo que siento.”
Nobody has the power to change who I am or how I feel.
30. “La vida es demasiado corta para que no te arriesgues y lo hagas.”
Life is too short not to take a risk and do it.
Spanish Vacation Captions For Instagram
These captions are ideal for sharing your last vacation photos! Use them for your best photos at the beach or in the mountains, giving a more cheerful touch to your photos.
31. “Encontré el paraíso aquí.”
I found paradise here.
32. “Sol, mar y arena…¡eso es todo lo que quiero!”
Sun, sea, and sand… That‘s all I want!
33. “No lo dejes para mañana, ¡viaja hoy!”
Stop saying tomorrow, take a trip now!
34. “Viviendo mi mejor vida en esta playa.”
Living my best life on this beach.
35. “Todo mejora con un baño en el mar.”
Everything gets better with a bath in the sea.
36. “Sol, solecito, caliéntame un poquito.”
Sun, little sun, warm me up a little bit.
37. “Las calorías no cuentan cuando estás de vacaciones.”
Calories don’t count when you’re on vacation.
38. “Viajar es lo único que compras que te hace más rico.”
Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.
39. “No puedes comprar felicidad, pero puedes comprar un helado en la playa.”
You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy ice cream on the beach.
40. “No seas un turista, se un viajero.”
Don’t be a tourist, be a traveler.

Spanish Songs Captions For Instagram
Want to sound a little more interesting? Using the lyrics of a song never fails. Song lyrics always add a special touch to photos, and now you can take advantage of instagram’s new feature by adding music to your post!.
41. “Me da miedo cuando sales sonriendo pa’ la calle, porque todos pueden ver los hoyuelitos que te salen.”
It scares me when you go out smiling in the street, because everyone can see your dimples.
-Pienso en tu mirá’ – Rosalia
42. “¿Cómo quieres que te quiera si no estás aquí?”
How do you want me to love you if you are not here?
-Nunca Estoy – C. Tangana
43. “Contigo, mi vida, quiero vivir la vida, y lo que me queda de vida, quiero vivir contigo.”
With you, my life, I want to live life, and what’s left of my life, I want to live with you.
-Suerte – Shakira
44. “Te voy a escribir la canción más bonita del mundo, voy a capturar nuestra historia en tan solo un segundo”
I’ll write you the most beautiful song in the world, I will capture our story in just a second.
-La Playa – La Oreja de Van Gogh
45. “Hoy te intento contar que todo va bien aunque no te lo creas.”
Today I try to tell you that everything is going well even if you don’t believe it.
-El Sol No Regresa – La Quinta Estación
46. “A Dios le pido que si me muero, sea de amor, y si me enamoro, sea de vos.”
To God I pray that if I die, it may be of love, and if I fall in love, it may be of you.
-A Dios Le Pido – Juanes
47. “Quédate, que las noches sin ti duelen.”
Stay, because the nights without you hurt.
-Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol. 52 – Quevedo
48. “Me gustaría inventar un país contigo, para que las palabras como: patria o porvenir, bandera, nación, frontera, raza o destino, tuvieran algún sentido para mi.”
I would like to invent a country with you, so that words like homeland or future, flag, nation, frontier, race or destiny, would make some sense to me.
-Geografía – La Oreja de Van Gogh
La Oreja de Van Gogh is a pop-rock band from San Sebastian, Basque Country, Spain, recognized as one of the most important in the country. Their songs are ideal for learning Spanish.
49. “Déjame vivir, libre, pero a mí manera.”
Let me live, free, but in my own way
-Déjame Vivir – Jarabe de Palo
50. “Ni tu ni nadie, nadie, puede cambiarme.”
Neither you nor anyone, no one, can change me.
-Ni Tú Ni Nadie – Moenia
Spanish Birthday Captions For Instagram
Whether it’s for your or a friend’s birthday, be different and post one of these captions in Spanish! They are pretty funny and special. The birthday boy or girl is sure to have a smile on their face.
51. “Me alegra informarte de que tu niño interior aún no tiene edad.”
I’m happy to inform you that your inner child is not yet old
52. “Estoy tan contenta de que esta hermosa persona siga existiendo un año más.”
I’m so glad this beautiful person still exists for one more year.
53. “Convertiré mi cumpleaños en un estilo de vida.”
I will turn my birthday into a lifestyle.
54. “No son los años de tu vida los que cuentan, es la vida de tus años.”
It’s not the years of your life that counts, it’s the life of your years.
55. “Cumplir años tiene una desventaja y una ventaja: no ves las letras de cerca, pero a los idiotas los ves desde lejos.”
Birthdays have a disadvantage and an advantage: you don’t see the letters closely, but you see idiots from far away.
56. “¡Otra vuelta al sol!”
Another lap of the sun!
57. “Older? Definitely. Wiser? Debatable.”
¿Mayor? Definitivamente. ¿Más sabio? Discutible.
58. “Estás un año más cerca de que te den descuento de adultos mayores. ¡Sigue así!”
You’re a year closer to getting that senior citizen’s discount. Keep at it!
59. “Ya sé que es tu día especial, pero por favor tómalo con calma. Muchos cumpleaños te pueden matar.”
I know it’s your special day, but please take it slow. Too many birthdays can kill you.
60. “Feliz cumpleaños, y recuerda que crecer es obligatorio, pero ¡madurar es opcional!”
Happy birthday, and remember that growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional!

Spanish Captions For Instagram Selfies
A simple selfie and you don’t know what to write as a caption? Here are some inspiring and beautiful captions to accompany your post!
61. “Enamórate de ti, de la vida y luego de quien tú quieras.”
Fall in love with yourself, with life, and then with whoever you want.
62. “Mejor llegar tarde que fea.”
It’s better to be late than ugly.
63. “¡Sé el amor de tu vida!”
Be the love of your life!
64. “La felicidad puede existir solo en la aceptación.”
Happiness can exist only in acceptance.
65. “La vida es una aventura y no quiero perderme ningún momento.”
Life is an adventure and I don’t want to miss out on any moment.
66. “Nunca dejes de ser tú mismo, ni siquiera por un segundo.”
Never stop being yourself, even for a second.
67. Para ser bella no necesitas mucho, sólo tener un buen corazón.”
To be beautiful you don’t need much, just have a good heart.
68. “A veces el corazón nos pide cosas que la mente no quiere creer.”
Sometimes the heart asks for things that the mind does not want to believe.
69. “La vida es demasiado corta para estar enojado, así que sonríe.”
Life is too short to be angry, so smile.
70. “Nunca subestimes el poder de una buena sonrisa.”
Never underestimate the power of a good smile.
Studying Spanish opens great doors to jobs in the area of social media, because Latin American countries are high consumers of social networks.
Cute Spanish Instagram Captions
These captions are perfect for pictures of beautiful scenery, mountains, or other inspiring locations that you wish to save as souvenir. They are kind words that are frequently used to describe enjoyable moments that are worth remembering!
71. “Lo que es para ti siempre te encuentra.”
What is for you always finds you.
72. “Se pueden encender miles de velas con una sola vela. La felicidad nunca cesa por compartirla.”
Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle. Happiness never ceases by being shared.
73. “La vida es una aventura, atrévete a vivirla.”
Life is an adventure, dare to live it.
74. “La felicidad no está en el dinero, está en nuestros momentos.”
Happiness is not in the money, it is in our moments.
75. “Sueña con cosas imposibles y luego hazlas realidad.”
Dream of impossible things and then make them a reality.
76. “La felicidad es una elección, no un resultado.”
Happiness is a choice, not a result.
77. “No te compares con nadie más, eres único y especial.”
Don’t compare yourself to anyone else, you’re unique and special.
78. “La felicidad es una forma de continuar.”
Happiness is a way of continuing.
79. “Si puedes sonreír cuando todo va mal, entonces tienes algo que nunca te quitarán.”
If you can smile when everything goes wrong, you have something that nobody can take away from you.
80. “El éxito es una elección, no un accidente.”
Success is a choice, not an accident.
Inspirational Spanish Instagram Captions
Do you want to inspire your followers? These phrases are ideal to give your followers a boost to inspire and motivate them. They are ideal for morning posts or stories wishing a happy day!
81. “¡No importa cuán oscuro sea tu día, la luz siempre encontrará una manera!”
No matter how dark your day is, the light will always find a way!
82. “Las cosas buenas suceden cuando menos las esperas.”
Good things happen when you least expect them.
83. “Busca dentro de ti, cree en la persona que quieres ser.”
Look inside yourself and believe in who you want to be.
84. “La vida no se trata del número de respiraciones que podamos tomar, sino del momento en el que decidimos dejar de respirar.”
Life isn’t about the number of breaths we can take, it’s about the moment we decide to stop breathing.
85. “La felicidad es como una flor: necesita sol, agua y tierra para crecer.”
Happiness is like a flower: it needs sunshine, water, and soil to grow
86. “No hay nada mejor que mirar hacia atrás y ver que has hecho.”
There is nothing better than looking back and seeing what you’ve accomplished.
87. “Nunca digas nunca, porque siempre es posible.”
Never say never, because it’s always possible.
88. “Cuando uno de tus sueños se hace realidad, es el comienzo de otro.”
When one of your dreams comes true, it’s the beginning of another.
89. “Si no eres feliz con lo que tienes en la vida, cambia las cosas y hazlas mejores para ti.”
If you’re not happy with what you have in life, change it and make it better for yourself.
90. “La felicidad es la única cosa que vale la pena perseguir en esta vida.”
Happiness is the only thing worth chasing in this life.

Final words
Instagram captions in Spanish are a powerful tool for reaching audiences who speak Spanish. If you use them, your postings may be more appealing and you may attract a new niche of followers. Show them that you’re also interested in learning Spanish!
Whether you’re posting pictures of landscapes, mountains, or other inspiring locations or simply want to add a personal touch to your selfies and other pictures of yourself, adding Spanish captions in your Instagram post is a must if you’re looking to connect with a Spanish-speaking audience.
If you want to expand your Spanish vocabulary to better communicate with Spanish speakers on social media, it is best to choose a program with native Spanish-speaking teachers so that you can get the hang of the different accents and slang!
You can start TODAY, trying a free 1:1 class or sign up and get a 7-day trial of group classes and see why thousands of students trust the SpanishVIP methodology.
Want to learn Spanish, fast?
Download our e-book, Easy Spanish Shortcuts, and learn your first 1,000 Spanish words in under a day!