Mother’s Day is an iconic and very important celebration around the world, which commemorates and honors the women who are, were and will be future mothers, thanking them for their ability to gestate a baby from the womb and raise it, as well as appreciating their value, their struggle and their role in society.
In Spanish-speaking countries, the mother is usually the most important member of the family, even above the partner or children in some circumstances, especially in Latin American countries.
If you want to get more involved in what Hispanic culture is during this mother’s day celebration and at the same time learn more phrases in Spanish, we invite you to continue reading and learn about some of the best-known and most important Mothers Day Spanish quotes.
How To Say Happy Mother’s Day in Spanish?
Spanish | English |
¡Felicidades en tu día! | Congratulations on your day! |
¡Feliz día de la madre! | Happy Mother’s Day! |
¡Feliz día, mamá! | Happy day, mom! |
¡Felicidades por el día de la madre! | Congratulations on Mother’s Day! |
¡Felicidades por tu día! | Congratulations on your day! |
¡Enhorabuena, mamá! | Congratulations, mom! |
¡Felicitaciones por tu día, mamá! | Congratulations on your day, mom! |
Mother’s Day in Spanish-Speaking Countries
Mother’s Day is celebrated on different dates in each country in the world. In Spain, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of each May, that is, in 2023 it will be celebrated on May 7.
Meanwhile, in most Latin American countries, such as Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Cuba, Honduras, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, and Venezuela, it is celebrated on the second Sunday of each May, that is, on May 14, 2023.
In Colombia, the state (departmento) of Norte de Santander is celebrated on the last Sunday of May (May 28, 2023), just like in the Dominican Republic.
In Bolivia Mother’s Day is celebrated on May 27, in Paraguay, it is celebrated on May 15, in Guatemala, Mexico, and El Salvador it is celebrated on May 10, and in Nicaragua, it is celebrated on May 30.
The most purchased gifts in Spanish-speaking countries for Mother’s Day are clothing, shoes, and special lunches or dinners. On the other hand, gift cards with phrases for Mother’s Day generally come in bouquets, which are the fourth most purchased gift in Latin America.
Finally, in Costa Rica it is celebrated 3 months later, on August 15, in Argentina it is celebrated on the third Sunday of October (October 15, 2023) and in Panama it is celebrated on December 8, which is also the day of the Virgin Mary according to Catholic holidays.
In Belize, where the official language is English, but the majority of its inhabitants also speak Spanish, Mother’s Day is May 17. In Equatorial Guinea, an African country where Spanish is spoken, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of May.
While in the Philippines, a country where Spanish was official until 1987 but today only 2.94% of the population speaks, Mother’s Day is the second Sunday in May.
The United States is a mostly English-speaking country, but since there is no official language at the federal level, we can highlight the fact that Spanish is spoken by 12.4% of the population, that is, some 42 million people, the vast majority of ancestry Latin American.
So we consider it important to add that the Hispanic population in the United States can accompany the American celebration of Mother’s Day on the second Sunday of each year, or in the case of having immigrated, they can celebrate Mother’s Day on the date of your country of origin.
How To Say Mom In Spanish Slang
Country | Spanish Word |
Puerto Rico (USA) | Mai |
Panamá | Vieja |
Colombia | Ma, Cucha |
México | Amá, Jefa |
Venezuela | Pure |
Argentina | Vieja |
Chile | Vieja, Madre (mother) |
Perú | Mamacha, mamaita |
Ecuador | Mami, Ma |
Bolivia | Mamacha |
Paraguay | Vieja |
Uruguay | Cucha |
Guatemala | Ruca |
Uruguay | Cucha |
Costa Rica | Manteca |
Honduras | Amá |
El Salvador | Mamita |
Cuba | Mima |
República Dominicana | Mai |
20 Emotional Mother’s Day Spanish Quotes
- Feliz Día de las Madres, mamá. Eres la luz que guía mi camino cada día. – Happy Mother’s Day, Mom. You are the light that guides my path every day.
- Eres la mejor mamá del mundo, y no hay palabras suficientes para agradecerte todo lo que haces. – You are the best mom in the world, and there aren’t enough words to thank you for everything you do.
- Gracias por tu amor incondicional y por estar siempre a mi lado, en los buenos y malos momentos. – Thank you for your unconditional love and for always being by my side, in good times and bad.
- Te quiero con todo mi corazón, mamá. Eres mi fuerza y mi inspiración constante. –I love you with all my heart, Mom. You are my strength and constant inspiration.
- Mamá, eres mi heroína. Gracias por enseñarme a ser fuerte y valiente, como tú. – Mom, you are my hero. Thank you for teaching me to be strong and brave, just like you.
- Eres mi inspiración diaria, la persona que me motiva a ser mejor cada día. – You are my daily inspiration, the person who motivates me to be better every day.
- Gracias por todo lo que haces, mamá. Tu amor y dedicación son incomparables. – Thank you for everything you do, Mom. Your love and dedication are unmatched.
- No hay amor como el tuyo, mamá. Tu cariño y cuidado hacen que todo sea posible. – There is no love like yours, Mom. Your affection and care make everything possible.
- Eres el corazón de nuestra familia, el lazo que nos mantiene unidos siempre. – You are the heart of our family, the bond that keeps us always together.
- Mi vida es mejor gracias a ti, mamá. Eres la razón de mis sonrisas y alegrías. – My life is better because of you, Mom. You are the reason for my smiles and joys.
- Eres mi ejemplo a seguir, la mujer que admiro y respeto con todo mi ser. – You are my role model, the woman I admire and respect with all my being.
- Te agradezco por cada sacrificio que has hecho para darme lo mejor en la vida. – I thank you for every sacrifice you have made to give me the best in life.
- Tu amor es mi fortaleza, mamá. Gracias por enseñarme a enfrentar la vida con valentía. – Your love is my strength, Mom. Thank you for teaching me to face life with courage.
- Eres la reina de nuestro hogar, la persona que llena nuestra casa de amor y felicidad. – You are the queen of our home, the person who fills our house with love and happiness.
- Te amo hoy y siempre, mamá. Eres la mejor parte de mi vida. – I love you today and always, Mom. You are the best part of my life.
- Mamá, eres mi mayor bendición. Gracias por ser mi guía y apoyo incondicional. – Mom, you are my greatest blessing. Thank you for being my guide and unconditional support.
- Gracias por ser mi mejor amiga, mi confidente y la persona en quien siempre puedo confiar. – Thank you for being my best friend, my confidant, and the person I can always trust.
- Eres el pilar de nuestra familia, mamá. Sin ti, nada sería igual. – You are the pillar of our family, Mom. Without you, nothing would be the same.
- Tu amor y dedicación hacen del mundo un lugar mejor. Feliz Día de las Madres, mamá. – Your love and dedication make the world a better place. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.
- Cada día agradezco por tener una mamá tan increíble como tú. Eres mi tesoro más preciado. – Every day I am grateful to have an incredible mom like you. You are my most precious treasure.
In Mexico, 4 out of 5 mothers want their children to surprise them on Mother’s Day. They are usually given a serenade, flowers, and special dinners.

Women of the family in Spanish
Mother’s Day is not only celebrated for your mom. You can also congratulate your aunt, cousin, sister, grandmother, or friends who are also mothers.
Here is a list of how to name these women in your family in Spanish so that you can expand your mother’s day new vocabulary and congratulations list!
Spanish | English |
Mamá | Mom |
Mami | Mommy |
Madre | Mother |
Tía | Aunt |
Prima | Cousin |
Hermana | Sister |
Cuñada | Sister-in-law |
Abuela | Grandmother |
Nieta | Granddaughter |
Hija | Daughter |
Esposa | Wife |
Amiga | Friend |
15 Funny Mother’s Day quotes in Spanish
- Tal vez tengas que estar un poco loco para amar a tu hijo tanto como yo. ¡Felíz día! – Maybe you have to be a little crazy to love your son as much as I do. Good day!
- Iba a desearte un feliz día de la madre en Facebook, pero vi que no tienes perfil. Supongo que debería hacer lo que hacen los demás y desearte lo mejor del mundo frente a ti. ¡Feliz cumpleaños mamá! – I was going to wish you a Happy Mother’s Day on Facebook, but I saw that you don’t have a profile. I guess I should do what everyone else does and wish you the best in the world in front of you. Happy Birthday mom!
- Cuando no estoy seguro de qué hacer, mi mamá siempre me ayuda. ¡Feliz día Mamá! – When I’m not sure what to do, my mom always helps me. Happy day Mom!)
- Cuando estoy contigo no necesito jugar Play Station, eres mi pasatiempo favorito. – When I’m with you I don’t need to play Play Station, you are my favorite hobby.
- Cuando te pido ayuda, mamá, me das ocho. ¡Gracias! – When I ask you for help, mom, you give me eight. Thanks!
- Cada vez que me preguntabas, “¿Quién crees que soy?” Debería haber dicho: “La mejor madre del mundo.” – Every time you asked me, “Who do you think I am?” I should have said: “The best mother in the world.”
- Una madre preocupada puede averiguar más que el FBI. ¡Feliz día Mamá! – A concerned mother can find out more than the FBI. Happy day mom!
- Incluso si voy a la playa, mi madre quiere que me mantenga caliente. – Even if I go to the beach, my mother wants me to keep myself warm.
- Ninguna cantidad de suerte me hará lo suficientemente afortunada de tenerte como madre. – No amount of luck will make me lucky enough to have you as a mother.
- Tengo que decirte, mamá: te quiero más que a la pizza de queso. – I have to tell you, mom: I love you more than a cheese pizza.
- Mamá, te amo por todo lo que has hecho, pero sobre todo por recordarme que tome mi jugo antes de que se acaben las vitaminas. – Mom, I love you for everything you’ve done, but most of all for reminding me to drink my juice before the vitamins run out.
- Eres la mejor madre que tengo! – You are the best mother I have!
- La vida no viene con una guía, pero sí viene con una madre. ¡Día feliz! – Life doesn’t come with a guide, but it does come with a mother. Happy day!
- Tantas cosas en ti me hacen quererte: eres amable, paciente, un gran consejero, divertido. Pero si hay algo que hiciste por lo que debería elogiarte es esa tortilla de patata. – So many things about you make me love you: you’re kind, patient, a great counselor, and funny. But if there’s one thing you did that, I should praise you for, it’s that potato omelet.
- Mami, ¿recuerdas lo amorosos que han sido estos años? Si la respuesta es sí, no tienes de qué preocuparte. Tu memoria no ha cambiado con los años. – Mommy, do you remember how loving these years have been? If the answer is yes, you don’t have to worry. Your memory hasn’t changed over the years.
Taking into account the immediacy of today’s world, if you want to surprise your mother in Latin America, it is best to do it when she wakes up, since our mobile devices, our social networks, television, and many other media remind us that it is Mother’s Day and there would be no point in waiting until night to give the surprise.
Songs in Spanish to dedicate on Mother’s Day

The songs for Mother’s Day are many. Various artists in Spanish-speaking countries dedicate songs of affection to the mother. Here we give you an example of good songs in Spanish to dedicate to your mother on this day:
- “Mi madre es pequeñita, Igual que una violeta. Lo dulce está en su alma, El llanto en el adiós.” – My mother is tiny, just like a violet. The sweet is in her soul, crying in goodbye.
Los versos a mi madre – Julio Jaramillo (Ecuadorian singer)
- “Eres. Eres mujer de alma grande. Mujer hecha de amor. Eres. Eres mujer de mi padre. Y como mujer y amiga. La mejor, la mejor.” – You are. You are a woman with a big soul. A woman made of love. You are. You are my father’s woman. And as a woman and friend, the best one, the best one.
Madre – Camilo Sesto (Spanish singer)
- “Has sido, madrecita, Tu existencia bendita, Para el niño que aún soy para ti.” – Your existence, little mother, has been blessed, for the child that I am still for you.
Te amo, mamá – Marco Antonio Solís (Mexican singer)
- “Madrecita querida, mil perdones te pido, si por esa traidora, te deje en el olvido.” – Dear mother, a thousand pardons I ask you, if because of that traitor, I left you in oblivion.
Perdón Madrecita – Vicente Fernández (Mexican singer)

Useful Vocabulary for Mother’s Day
Spanish | English |
Regalo | Gift |
Rosas | Roses |
Madrecita | Little mother |
Tarjeta de regalo | Gift card |
TQM (Te quiero mucho)** | I love you |
Besos y abrazos | Kisses and hugs |
10 de mayo | May 10 |
Primer Domingo de mayo | First Sunday of May |
Segundo Domingo de mayo | Second Sunday of May |
Primaveras | Springs |
Wrapping up
There are many phrases of love and affection to celebrate Mother’s Day that you can express in Spanish, and there is a lot you can learn about this language through these quotes. On this day, learn them all and devote them to your mother or the Spanish-speaking moms you know.
But nothing will stick without practice, so go ahead, and feel free to sign up for a free 1-on-1 Spanish class or a 7-day free trial of our group classes. Here at SpanishVIP, We would be thrilled to assist you in experiencing the colorful diversity and warmth of Spanish culture.
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