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Happy Mother’s Day in Spanish: Loving Expressions You Should Know

Mother’s Day is the day to celebrate those who gave us life. The most indispensable person, the most unconditional, the most attentive. To celebrate the person who has been there through thick and thin; who has been there in sickness and in health. 

Mom is that person who tells you just what you need to hear, who gives you a sincere hug when you are sad, and who has never failed to keep you company.

When it comes to appreciating special people in our lives, our mothers are always present. Mothers are a gift, and when it comes time to give them something in return for all they have done for us, we have to be intentional! So mother’s day is a simple day to thank them for everything.

If you are learning Spanish and want to congratulate your mother by teaching her what you have learned or celebrate mother’s day for a special Spanish speaker, this blog is for you.

Women of the family in Spanish

Mother’s Day is not only celebrated for your mom. You can also congratulate your aunt, cousin, sister, grandmother, or friends who are also mothers. 

Here is a list of how to name these women in your family in Spanish so that you can expand your mother’s day new vocabulary and congratulations list!

Spanish  English 
Mamá Mom
Mami Mommy
Madre Mother
Tía Aunt
Prima Cousin
Hermana Sister
Cuñada Sister-in-law
Abuela Grandmother
Nieta Granddaughter
Hija Daughter
Esposa Wife
Amiga Friend

Ways to say Happy Mother’s Day in Spanish 

The goal of this day is to let her know that you love her, care about her, and appreciate everything she does. So we leave you several phrases besides “Happy Mother’s Day” you can use to surprise her even more.

    1. ¡Feliz día de las madres!

Happy Mother’s Day!

    2. Gracias por estar siempre ahí. 

Thank you for always being there.

    3. Eres la madre más asombrosa. 

You are the most amazing mother.

    4. Aunque tomó mucha paciencia, nunca me diste por vencida.

Although it took a lot of patience, you never gave up on me.

    5. Estoy orgulloso de ser tu hijo. 

I am proud to be your child. 

    6. Mamá, aprecio todo lo que haces por mí. Agradezco cada día a tu lado. ¡Qué tengas un día hermoso!

Mom, I appreciate everything you do for me. I appreciate every day by your side. Have a beautiful day!

    7. Dios no podía estar en todas partes a la vez, y por eso creó a las madres.

God could not be everywhere at once, and that is why he created mothers.

    8. Por mucha fuerza física que tenga un hombre, una madre siempre será más fuerte de corazón.

No matter how much physical strength a man has, a mother will always be stronger at heart.

    9. Criarme es un trabajo que hiciste bien. 

Raising me was a job you did well. 

    10. Eres la mejor mamá del mundo.

You’re the best mom in the world.


Always remember to write “mamá” with an accent mark on the last “a”. Otherwise, you would be referring to the word “breast.”

    11. Todo lo que creo que puedo hacer, es porque te escuché.

Everything I believe I can do is because I listened to you.

    12. Gracias por todo lo que me enseñas, mamá.

Thank you for everything you teach me, Mom.

    13. ¡Te quiero hoy y todos los días del año! ¡Feliz día de las madres!

I love you today and every day of the year! Happy mother’s day!

    14. Gracias por estar siempre a mi lado y quererme tanto.

Thank you for always being by my side and loving me so much.

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    15. Gracias por hacerme la persona que soy. Te amo.

Thank you for making me the person I am. I love you.

    16. Eres lo mejor, mamá, ¡Feliz día de las madres!

You’re the best, Mom. Happy mother’s day!

    17. Para ti que siempre tuviste tus brazos abiertos y tu corazón lleno de amor hacia mí, te deseo toda la felicidad del mundo. Te amo. 

For you who always had your arms open and your heart full of love for me, I wish you all the happiness in the world. I love you.

    18. Cuando estoy contigo, estoy feliz como un pez en el agua. ¡Gracias por todo!

When I’m with you, I’m happy as a fish in water. Thanks for everything!

    19. Quien trata a una mujer como una princesa, demuestra que fue educado por una reina. En el Día de las reinas: ¡Felicidades mamá!

Whoever treats a woman like a princess, proves that he was raised by a queen. On Queens’ Day: Congratulations mom!

    20. Eres esa puerta siempre abierta para mí a toda hora. Gracias por tu cariño sin fin.

You are that door that is always open for me at all times. Thank you for your endless affection.

    21. La vida no viene con un manual de instrucciones, viene con una madre.

Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual, it comes with a mother.

    22. De todos los regalos que la vida tiene que dar, una buena madre es la más grande de todos.

Of all the gifts life has to give, a good mother is the greatest of all.

    23. La palabra más bella en labios de una persona es la palabra madre, y la llamada más dulce: madre mía.

The most beautiful word on a person’s lips is the word mother, and the sweetest call: my mother.

    24. Tu amor es verdaderamente ciego porque me empezaste a querer antes de ver como era.

Your love is truly blind because you began to love me before you saw what I looked like.

    25. Por tu maravilloso talento de ser mamá. Feliz día de las madres.

For your wonderful talent of being a mother. Happy mother’s day.

    26. Tu hogar es el escenario de algunos de mis recuerdos más felices.

Your home is the setting for some of my happiest memories.

    27. Una madre es aquella que puede tomar el lugar de todos, pero nadie puede tomar el lugar de ella.

A mother is one who can take everyone’s place, but no one can take her place.

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17 Most Heartful Happy Mother’s Day Quotes in Spanish

If you want to leave in your greeting card a Mother’s Day Spanish quote, here we leave you these famous phrases to dedicate to her!

     1. Madres, en sus manos tienen la salvación del mundo. 

Mothers, in your hands you hold the salvation of the world.

–Leon Tolstoi

     2. Una madre perdona siempre; ha venido al mundo para esto. 

A mother is always forgiving; she has come into the world for this. 

–Alexandre Dumas

      3. Mi madre tenía una gran cantidad de problemas conmigo, pero creo que lo disfrutó. 

My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it. 

–Mark Twain

      4. El corazón de una madre es un abismo profundo en cuyo fondo siempre encontrarás el perdón.

A mother’s heart is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.

–Honore de Balzac.

      5. Una madre es alguien a quien pides ayuda cuando te metes en problemas.

A mother is someone you ask for help when you get into trouble.

–Emily Dickinson

      6. El amor de una madre es como la paz. No necesita ser adquirido, no necesita ser merecido. 

A mother’s love is like peace. It does not need to be acquired, it does not need to be deserved.

–Erich Fromm.

      7. El amor de una madre por su hijo es como ninguna otra cosa en el mundo. No conoce la ley, no tiene lástima, desafía todas las cosas y aplasta sin piedad todo lo que se interpone en su camino.

A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, knows no pity, defies all things and crushes mercilessly all that stands in its way.

–Agatha Christie

     8. El único amor que realmente creo en el amor de una madre por sus hijos.

The only love I truly believe in is a mother’s love for her children.

–Karl Lagerfeld

     9. Para el oído de un niño, “madre” es una palabra mágica en cualquier idioma.

To a child’s ear, “mother” is a magic word in any language.

–Arlene Benedict.

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     10. La fuerza de una madre es más grande que las leyes de la naturaleza.

A mother’s strength is greater than the laws of nature. 

–Barbara Kingsolver.

     11. Madre: la palabra más bella en labios de la humanidad.

Mother: the most beautiful word on the lips of mankind.

–Yibran Khalil Yibran.

     12. Una madre no es una persona en la que apoyarse, sino una persona en la que hacer que apoyarse sea innecesario.

A mother is not a person to lean on, but a person to make leaning on unnecessary.

–Dorothy Canfield Fisher.

     13. No hay forma de ser una madre perfecta y hay un millón de formas de ser una buena.

“There is no way to be a perfect mother and there are a million ways to be a good one.

–Jill Churchill

     14. Ser una madre es una actitud, no una relación biológica.

Being a mother is an attitude, not a biological relationship.

–Robert A. Heinlein

     15. Las madres son como pegamento. Incluso cuando no las ves, siguen sosteniendo a la familia. 

Mothers are like glue. Even when you don’t see them, they still hold the family together.

–Susan Gale

     16. Jamás en la vida encontraréis ternura mejor, más profunda, más desinteresada ni verdadera que la de vuestra madre.

Never in life will you find tenderness better, deeper, more disinterested, and truer than that of your mother.

–Honoré de Balzac

     17. Todo lo que soy y espero ser, se lo debo a la angelical solicitud de mi madre. 

All that I am, and hope to be, I owe to my mother’s angelic solicitude.

–Abraham Lincoln

Spanish Vocabulary for Mother’s Day 

Here is a list of words in Spanish with their English translation of things that are usually talked about on Mother’s Day such as: gifts, chocolates, flowers, and more! 

Combine them with some of the phrases we leave you and create your own unique and different phrase for that special woman on mother’s day!

Spanish  English
Rosas Roses
Flores Flowers
Tulipanes Tulips
Girasoles Sunflowers
Chocolates Chocolates
Regalo Gift
Desayuno Breakfast
Almuerzo Lunch
Cena Dinner
Manicura Manicure
Pedicura Pedicure
Masajes Massages
Tarjeta de regalo Gift Card
Restaurante Restaurant
Salir a comer Dining out
Peluquería Hairdresser

When is Mother’s Day celebrated in Spanish-speaking countries?

In Spanish-speaking countries, the Mother’s Day celebration is on different dates depending on the country. Make sure you know the exact date to celebrate Mother’s Day!

  • Spain: First Sunday in May.
  • Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, United States, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Colombia: Second Sunday in May.
  • Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Mexico: May 10.
  • Paraguay: May 15. (Independence Day)
  • Bolivia: May 27. (in commemoration of the Heroines of La Coronilla)
  • Nicaragua: May 30.
  • Norte de Santander, Colombia: Last Sunday in May.
  • Costa Rica: August 15. (Assumption Day)
  • Argentina: Third Sunday of October.
  • Panama: December 8. (Day of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary)

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