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Beautiful Spanish Quotes About Family and Friendship

There is much to learn from the family. As they are the people for whom we come into the world, they see us born, grow, raise us, and prepare us for life, surely there is a lot that you have known thanks to them and they have been your main influence. 

In Spanish-speaking countries this is the same, the family has been and continues to be highly valued and each member is a special, important, and indispensable part, which is why it is possible.

Thanks to the above, it is possible to find many quotes in Spanish that speak about the family, giving importance to aspects of family life, teachings, or phrases of wisdom that parents want to share with their children. 

At SpanishVIP, we want to take advantage of the possibility of knowing these quotes to teach you a little more about Spanish, making you aware of the grammar, vocabulary, and even the meanings and contexts in which these sentences are set.

Family quotes in Spanish about life

As we said before, the learning we have had from the extended family is essential to be who we are in our lives. Next, you will see some phrases that you should know about the family and that have to do with life.

  • En los problemas de vida, la familia es la primera que te apoya. – In life’s problems, the family is the first to support you.
  • La familia no es solo una cosa importante, lo es todo. – Family is not just an important thing, it is everything.
  • En la familia habita la vida. – Life lives in the family.
  • Es tu familia la que te apoya – Your family is who supports you.
  • La familia unida es un regalo para siempre. – The united family is a gift forever.
  • La familia nunca te abandona ni te olvida. – The family never abandons you or forgets you.
  • La familia es para siempre. – Family is forever.
  • Lo más valioso de mi vida es mi familia. – The most valuable thing in my life is my family.
  • Lo que se aprende de la familia con suavidad, se recuerda con amor. – What is learned from the family gently, is remembered with love.
  • La familia no es sólo quienes son de tu sangre, sino son los que nunca nos abandonan. – Family is not only those who are of your blood but are those who never leave us.
  • La familia es un regalo de Dios. – Family is a God’s gift. 
  • Si no está toda la familia, no estaré completo – If the whole family is not there, I will not be complete.
  • En mi familia nadie se queda atrás, todos vamos al mismo ritmo. – In my family no one is left behind, we all go at the same pace. 
  • Cuando llegan los problemas, sólo se queda tu familia. – When trouble comes, only your family stays.
  • Los asuntos de mi familia son los asuntos mios – My family’s business is my business.
  • Mi hogar está donde esté mi familia. – My home is where my family is.
  • Nunca estarás sólo si tienes una familia. – You will never be alone if you have a family.
  • La familia no es sólo quién te trae al mundo, sino quien te cría. – Family is not only who brings you into the world, but who raises you.
  • Mi familia es lo primero. – The family is first.
  • La familia es donde la vida comienza y por quienes podemos acabarla. – Family is where life begins and for whom we can finish it.
  • Tu familia es para toda la vida – Your family is for life.
  • No se puede descuidar a la familia por un trabajo. – Family cannot be neglected for a job.


Phrases about the family in Spanish-speaking countries often reflect the importance they give to it and the frequency with which coexistence problems can occur in a family nucleus. A family Spanish saying it’s a token of love.

Family quotes in Spanish about education

It is well understood that family members have a significant impact on education, as it is the first institution that, in the vast majority of cases, establishes society’s values by fostering them in their upbringing.

In many Spanish-speaking countries, it is clear that educating a child is more than just sending him to school, and that their development as important members of society, starts at home.

Clearly, each individual is indeed a reflection of their family and their experiences as they grow up.

As a result, many expressions in Spanish speak of the importance of family education in shaping people who will be examples of goodness and other ideal attributes in human beings in the future. 

These are more Spanish sayings that speak of family education.

  • El mejor legado de los padres a sus hijos es un poco de tiempo diario.The best legacy of parents to their children is a little time daily.
  • El futuro está en manos, principalmente, de la familia. Esta lleva consigo el bienestar de la sociedad y tiene el importante papel de construir la paz.The future is in the hands, mainly, of the family. This carries with it the well-being of society and has the important role of building peace.
  • Si alguien es buen ciudadano, es porque es buen familiar.If someone is a good citizen, it is because he is a good family member.
  • La mejor inversión en la educación de nuestros hijos es la de pasar tiempo de calidad con ellos. – The best investment in the education of our children is to spend quality time with them.
  • Cuando las familias son estables, fuertes y felices, los hijos muestran resultados positivos en todos los aspectos y mayores niveles de bienestar.When families are stable, strong, and happy, children show positive results in all aspects and higher levels of well-being.
  • La sociedad humana no estará bien formada si no lo aprenden en su hogar. – Human society will not be well-formed if they don’t learn it at home.
  • Un hogar sin respeto es una familia infelíz. – A disrespectful home is an unhappy family.
  • Que mi familia me eduque es todo lo que necesito. – That my family educates me is all I need.
  • Sólo estar con mi familia, hace que todo valga le pena. – Just being with my family makes it all worth it.
  • El colegio me educa, mi familia me forma. – The school educates me, and my family shapes me.
  • La educación no empieza en la escuela, sino en el hogar.Education does not begin at school, but at home.
Group of people sitting on a log, overlooking scenic mountain view.
Image by Roberto Nickson via Unsplash

Vocabulary that you can learn from the phrases about the family in Spanish:

Spanish English translation
Institución Institution
Hogar Home
Sabiduría Wisdom
Bienestar Wellness
Vínculo Link
Descendencia Offspring
Armonía Harmony
Adopción Adoption
Engendrar Engender

Family quotes in Spanish by famous people

Latin American or Spanish famous people also have something to say about the family. 

Thanks to the fact that they are accompanied by literature and a journey through an entire era, they have been able to learn and take advantage of broad concepts about the family and everything that surrounds it. 

Because of this, here we present some phrases about the family said by famous people from Latin America or Spain:

  • Una casa es el lugar donde uno es esperado.
    Home is, where somebody waits for you. – Antonio Gala
  • Uno tiene que pelear por lo suyo, su familia, su privacidad. Esta lleva consigo el bienestar de la sociedad y tiene el importante papel de construir la paz.
    You have to fight for yours, your family, your privacy. This carries with it the well-being of society and has the important role of building peace. –  Pope Francis I
  • Desde que los hijos educan a sus padres, se acabaron los complejos de Edipo.
    Since the children educate their parents, the Oedipus complexes are over. – Mario Benedetti
  • Un padre para cien hijos, antes que cien hijos para un padre.
    A father for a hundred children, rather than a hundred children for a father. – Miguel De Cervantes
  • El hacer el padre por su hijo es hacer por sí mismo.
    The father’s doing for his son is doing for himself. – Miguel De Cervantes


The phrases seen in this article do not have an objective reality but a subjective one, according to the thought and opinions of the people who relate to them.

Funny family quotes in Spanish about family

Because inspiration is always needed, we wanted to compile the phrases of Latin American writers who have left their mark in one way or another. 

No matter how much time passes, these quotes and phrases from women and men who have delighted us with their poems, essays, novels, and interviews are an excellent way to reflect on our lives. Also, if you want to instill in children a love for our Latino and Hispanic roots.

Family gathered around, washing a golden retriever in a grassy yard.
Image by CDC via Unsplash
  • Algunos árboles genealógicos tienen muchas nueces. – Some family trees have a lot of nuts on them.
  • Cuando era niño, el menú de mi familia tenía dos opciones: tómalo o déjalo. – When I was a kid, my family’s menu had two options: take it or leave it.
  • La felicidad es tener una familia grande, unida y amorosa en otra ciudad. – Happiness is having a big, close-knit, loving family in another city.
  • Una familia no solo se compone de niños, sino también de hombres, mujeres, animales y el resfriado común.  – A family is not just made up of children, but also of men, women, animals, and the common cold.
  • Si hablara en serio acerca de estar con alguien durante mucho tiempo, mi familia sería la última persona a la que le presentaría. – If I was serious about being with someone for a long time, my family would be the last people I would introduce him to.
  • También podrías hacer bailar al esqueleto familiar si no puedes deshacerte de él. – You might as well make the family skeleton dance if you can’t get rid of it.
  • Amar a la familia es una cosa importante, pero es más divertido hacerles bromas. – Loving family is an important thing, but it’s more fun to prank them.
  • La otra noche comí en un restaurante familiar muy agradable. Hubo una pelea en cada mesa. – I ate at a really nice family restaurant the other night. There was a fight at every table.
  • No puedes huir de tu familia, no importa cuánto quieras hacerlo. – You can’t run away from your family, no matter how much you might want to.

Table of information about some Family Quotes in Spanish

Here you can see a table where you can know the tone, the meaning, and the translation of some phrases about the family in Spanish:

Spanish English Tone Meaning
Cuando seas mayor lo entenderás When you’re older you’ll understand Thoughtful Phrase from a father to his son to explain that it is only possible to understand some things when you are an adult.
Puede que seas  adoptado, pero sigues siendo mi hijo. You may be adopted, but you’re still my son. Compassionate A mother tells a son that it doesn’t matter if he’s adopted, he’s her raised child and that’s enough.
!Lo juro por mi madre! I swear on my mother! Worried This phrase is said by a person who is looking for someone else to believe him and is usually said out of desperation.
¡Nadie se mete con mi hijo! No one messes with my son Angry A father or mother challenges anyone who could harm their child.

Controversial Spanish quotes about family

Just as there are positive phrases, there are also controversial phrases said by famous people, and we want to show you in the Spanish language:

La familia es un nido de perversiones 

The family is a nest of perversions. This phrase said by Simone De Beauvoir has climbed worldwide, due to the thought of the French writer.

Los padres de hoy en día ya no saben educar a sus hijos 

Today’s parents no longer know how to educate their children. A clear sign of discontent among the older people of this time about the parents who raise children in the present.

Family having breakfast together at dining table indoors.
Image by Jimmy Dean via Unsplash

Family Spanish quotes about mothers

Phrases about mothers are also well known, this is because in this case, Latin American mothers have a very different attitude towards their children, and just as they express love, they can also be harsh. 

Curiously, in most Latin American countries there are mothers who say very similar phrases to their children, so here we want to give you some examples of these phrases, their translation, and their meaning:

¡Ese es mi niño (o niña)! 

That’s my boy (or girl)! Latin moms are proud of their kids, especially when they sing like angels or dance like pros (according to her)

When you’re a little kid, it’s fun to hear your mom’s high-pitched voice shouting those words from the crowd, but you’ll definitely hate them when you’re a teenager.

Deberías decirle a tu papá lo que hiciste 

You should tell your dad what you did. Mom doesn’t always scold Latin American kids when they break a rule or a window. 

Instead, she keeps it all day and makes the child tell their father what they did so that Dad can punish them.

¿Qué, crees que esto es un hotel? 

What, do you think this is a hotel? Most Spanish mom quotes are like this one: funny, angry, and a little bit “I’m right, and you’re wrong.” 

Sigue riéndote 

Keep having fun. This is one of those funny Latin American sayings that are great for public events. If you keep doing something that your Latin American mom has told you not to do, the next thing you’ll hear is “You’ll see what happens when we get home.”

Porque soy tu madre, fin de la historia 

Because I’m your mother, end of story. This is one of the best Spanish mom quotes. It teaches Latin American mom logic and hierarchy, and with just a few words, it can end an argument. 

You can’t argue with things like this, because she is your mom.

Todo lo que escuchas te entra por un oído y te sale por el otro 

Everything you hear goes in one ear and out the other. Latin American moms sometimes use a resigned tone to get their kids to behave better. Even if you hated it as a child, you’ll probably use it when you have kids.

Tienes que hacer lo que digo mientras vivas en esta casa

You have to do what I say as long as you live in this house. This is a Latin American saying that is passed down from one generation to the next.

Esto me dolerá más a mí que a ti 

This will hurt me more than it does you. This is the worst thing a Latin American mother can say to her child. If it makes her feel bad, it must be bad. 

There’s nothing you can do to change a decision that’s already been made.

¿Ya has limpiado tu habitación? 

Have you already cleaned up your room? Like most moms around the world, Latin American moms make you clean your room before you can go outside and play.

Los brazos de mamà son la mejor medicina 

Mom’s arms are the best medicine. The disposition of our mothers gives us peace of mind.

Te mostraré por qué deberías llorar 

I’ll show you why you should cry. Latin American moms use this common threat to teach you how important it is to see things from different points of view. If you have to cry, cry about something important. 

This is a Latin American saying that tells the truth about life.


Spanish mothers or even from some Latin American countries, such as Argentina or Uruguay, tend to have a slightly more serious personality when raising their children, so you don’t see so much saying phrases like the ones mentioned above.

Wrapping up

We hope that you have learned a little more about the phrases in Spanish that deal with the family since there are negative or positive quotes and some that can be funny to us, as well as others that give us important lessons about ourselves and about society. 

Likewise, it is very important to have learned a little more about Spanish in the phrases that we have given you since in this way the concept of family is known a little more in this language and in Latin American culture and society or Spanish, which are the regions of greatest importance and predominance of Spanish.

Finally, if you want to know more and are interested in learning Spanish, here at SpanishVIP we want to give you the possibility of having a free Spanish lesson or also a 7-day free trial in our Spanish group classes so that in this way learn it and study it with the best teachers.

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